Mrs.Abbondandolo – Reading Welcome Parents!
Welcome to Academic Intervention Services Maria Abbondandolo Leslie Davis Carol Levine Susan Licata
What are Academic Intervention Services (AIS)? Academic Intervention Services provide a small-group learning environment where reading and writing skills are reviewed and reinforced. These services are available for all learners who meet the entrance criteria.
What are the entrance criteria for AIS Reading Services? Grade 1: End-of-year Kindergarten screening (ELP scores) Informal Reading Inventory (IRI/DRA) Teacher Recommendation Wilson Fundations Inventory
Wood Park AIS Reading Services Balanced literacy is provided through: Pull-Out/Push-In Program Flexible Grouping Differentiated Instruction
What is Balanced Literacy? A framework designed to help all students learn to read and write effectively. Opportunities for real-life reading and writing experiences.
What is Guided Reading? Small-group instruction Flexible grouping Students reading instructional level texts Teacher guiding students to apply knowledge of skills and concepts Teacher assessing comprehension
What happens during Guided Reading? Before Reading: Students Look at the front and back covers of the book. Make predictions Activate prior knowledge Preview vocabulary Review strategies that good readers use
What strategies do good readers use? When encountering an unfamiliar word students can: Look at the pictures for clues. Skip over the word and read to the end of the sentence. Go back and reread. Ask, “what would make sense here?”. Look for letter sounds. Look for smaller words within the larger word.
What happens next? During reading: Skills practice is embedded. Prompts or clues are provided as needed. Students read independently as teacher “listens in” on one student at a time. Students read aloud to develop fluency, automaticity and expression. Ongoing assessment is made based on student’s use of strategies and success.
What happens after reading? After reading students: Strengthen comprehension skills through discussion Use multi-level questioning to develop comprehension and higher-order thinking skills Discuss difficulties and/or strategies encountered during reading Use graphic organizers to develop skills such as summarizing, sequencing, locating main idea and supporting details Respond in writing
What role does the Wilson Fundations Program play in a balanced literacy program? Wilson Fundations is the primary version of the Wilson Reading System and provides children of varying learning styles and abilities with a foundation for reading and writing.
How does the Wilson Fundations Program work? The Wilson Fundations program works by providing reading and spelling skills and concepts in a structured, sequential and cumulative phonics/spelling program using multisensory teaching techniques.
Fundations skill development Each level of Fundations presents skills in a carefully structured scope and frequency. These skills build on skills previously taught and are brought forward cumulatively; from unit to unit, year to year.
What skills are addressed in the Fundations Program? The following skills are addressed and developed: Letter formation Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Sound Mastery Phonics Vocabulary Irregular (Trick) Word Instruction Fluency Comprehension Written Expression
What happens during a Fundations reading lesson? Lesson Activities include: Sound drills with large or standard cards Find letters and sounds and build words with magnetic tile boards Dictation of sounds, words and sentences using dry erase boards Instruction of sight (trick) words using sky writing, flashcards and student notebooks Word play activities to review word structure and develop vocabulary Storytime- includes reading and writing activities using controlled text to build fluency, develop automaticity, phrasing and expression.
How are books selected? Books that are selected for guided reading and sent home: Include high-frequency words Include words that contain sounds currently being instructed or reviewed Provide opportunities to practice fluency and expression
Home-School Communication In order to establish and maintain a home- school connection, reading materials will be sent home on a regular basis. Book baggies will be sent home each Friday. Please return on Monday or Tuesday of following week. Please share the materials from the baggie with your child, and use suggested materials and activities to reinforce skills, concepts and vocabulary introduced in school. Please check e-board for student and parent resources.
How can you contact me? You can contact me through the school e- mail system at You can also correspond through my e- board: I will note on child’s reading log when you should check e-board for new information or materials.
Let’s Have a Great Year!