Tour of the school and locate people who help us and take digital pictures. Use to match to key symbols Posting letters games, songs and lesson. Visit from Pete the Caretaker, see some of the jobs he does, help with jobs Collect litter around the school using helpful hands. Role Play - Check up at the dentist lesson, talk from the dentist. ICT drawing a smile with teeth on a face. Teeth brushing Role play vets, talk about caring and needs for animals Firemen; - Investigate Fireman Sam website and watch Sam Tan. Build a fire engine with construction material, Firefighter lesson; pump water from a bucket to put out chalk flames Librarian; take photos of self with favourite books, write a caption. Visit the library, discuss road safety and how we got there. Role play Road safety, crossing the road using a crossing, cars stopping. Song Crossing the Road Nurse lesson; role play doctors surgery, applying bandages to teddy and dolly. Being Bin men and sort the recycling. Making a clean sweep, brushing up clean rubbish outside Forest School - Fireman Sam; A tree has fallen across the road, solve problem, learn how to cut, carry and sort. Learn fire safety rules with a pretend fire Autumn changes and Harvest activities Create natural bonfire pictures from leaves Feely bag games – guess the fruit Make bird feeders using lard, seeds and other items we can find in the forest to keep birds fed and warm in the cold weather Collect and explore different leaves to produce leaf art and leaf hangings/mobiles Make clay imprints of leaves and leaf rubbings Create woodland crowns from twigs and leaves Explore colour through leaves and learn about light and dark Harvest song ‘bouncing up and down on the big red tractor’ Coloured tractor pictures and numbered bales / colour matching fruit ICT Investigate cause and effect toys, games and computer programs. Use the digital camera and Ipad to take photographs and explore programs related to the topic. RE/SMSC Begin to understand the needs of living creatures. Children’s Rights to be safe. Visit to St Mary’s Church for Harvest/ Christingle services. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Thinking Skills Use photographs and artefacts to recall outings Think about who helps us in the school and community. Begin to ask why, what, how, where, when questions. Topic: People who help us Area: K&UW Class: Green Date : Autumn 2015 Pen, ysgwydday, coesau, traed song Welsh colours for painting activities Visit local environments Welsh topic vocabulary Welsh stories and programs from Sam tan.
ICT Skills Sort and group information on the whiteboard. Develop gross and find motor skills through ICT activities. RE/SMSC Skills Listen and join in with simple rhymes, songs and stories from other times or cultures. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Skills Apply knowledge acquired in the classroom to a variety of situations e.g. counting in the outdoor environment, naming key items when on educational visits e.g. Heddlu, Station Tan. Thinking Skills Choose from given options which places we visit. Plan the order of activities when there. Ask why, what, how, where, when questions. Class: Green Date: Autumn 2015 Topic: People who help usArea: K&UW Foundation Phase Skills Freely explore and experiment wide range of tools, materials and objects in the classroom and outdoor environment. Solve problems, ask questions and find answers Sort and group information using ICT sometimes Describe what they have found out and offer simple explanations Thinking about questions and then asking them and listening to the answers LNF Skills Speaking Give a symbol/picture as a ‘token’ for a desired item (RG). Make an attempt at representing things e.g. animals etc in structured role play activities (LP). Copy actions in simple action game (AM) Use single words/ signs and a growing number of brief phrases (CS) Point to a desired item or item of interest (that is visible but out of reach) and vocalise (JD. SC) Vocalise or press a switch to play a recorded ‘part’ when turn comes in repeating drama/ representation (JH) Using Data Skills Consistently match pictures to objects (RG) Separate objects which share a specified attribute (LP/ CS/ SC) Touch, point or given an object to indicate an answer in a number activity (AM, JD) Record numbers by matching numerals to sets of objects (JH)