Chem. Eng. - Past & Now Conception: Synthesis Design, Testing & Scale-up, Operation, Control & Optimization of Industrial Processes that Change State, Microstructure & Chemical Composition of Materials by Physicochemical Separations, Chemical Reactions (w/ or w/o Catalysts) include Biochemical & Electrochemical Reactions. Chem. Eng. - Synchronized Tech. - 각종 전자 부품의 기초재료 : CVD, PCVD - 초임계 상태 이용 분리, 합성, 막분리 - Biotechnology/ Bioreactor - 신에너지 개발 : 연료전지, 열펌프 - 환경보전, 자원 재활용 및 신자원개발
Past & Now * Chem. Eng.: MIT, 1894 : Mechanical Eng.-- 발전 1940 년대 까지 : Unit Operation 년대 : Transport Phenomena, Rxn Eng., Process & Plant Design 1980 년대 - 현재 : Bio-Chem. Tech., Energy Eng., Environmental Eng. & Nano Tech. 의 초기 단계 Chem. Eng. Contributions in 20th C - Food: Fertilizer -- Nitrogen Fixation - Health: Pharmaceuticals -- Penicillin - Energy: Coal-Petroleum based Energy & Chemicals - Materials: Polymers, Semiconductors, Advanced Materials - Environment: Clean Air, Clean Water, Hazardous Waste Disposal
Basic Areas for Chem. Eng. - Chemistry/Biology - Physics/Material Science/Surface Science - Mathematics/Statistics - Reaction Eng./Separation Process - Thermodynamics/Process Design Major Areas of Chem. Eng. in 21C ※ Synchronized Technology - Biotechnology - IT Materials: NT - Energy/Environment - Computation & Systems - Micro Chemical Processes
Field Coverage of Chemical Engineering (I) - Conversion Factors and Mathematical Symbols - Physical & Chemical Data - Engineering Mathematics - Thermodynamics - Heat & Mass Transfer - Fluid & Particle Dynamics - Reaction Kinetics - Chemical Process Control - Process Economics for Chemical Plants - Transport & Storage of Fluids - Heat-Transfer Equipment - Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, & Solids Drying - Distillation - Gas Absorption & Gas-Liquid System Design
- Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operation & Equipment - Adsorption & Ion Exchange - Gas-Solid Operations & Equipment - Liquid-Solid Operations & Equipment - Solid-Solid Operations & Equipment - Size Reduction & Size Enlargement - Handling of Bulk Solids & Packaging of Solids and Liquids - Alternative Separation Processes - Chemical Reactors - Biochemical Engineering - Waste Materials Handling & Management - Chemical Process Safety - Energy Resources, Conversion, & Utilization - Chemical Process Machinery Drives - Analysis of Chemical Plant Performance Field Coverage of Chemical Engineering (II)
Redefines Itself in Era of Global Change ※ Globalization of business & technologies - How to conduct research and develop new technologies effectively and rapidly → cost-effective products and processes - How to share and transfer technologies within and across industries quickly & effectively - How to enhance and grow business : avoid depletion of national resources - How to share effectively the wealth of information and data - How to establish a global work force, moving people from one location or activity to another for education and employment - How to have a successful career and financial security as a chem. engineer while working for several organizations ※ Remark - make more with less & make it better, cheaper, faster - desire to change and develop new technology - emerge from the era of confrontation to one of the consensus building
Future Progress → health, environment, economic prosperity: social goals. 1. Environmental issues - reducing environmental fallout / conserving energy 2. Advanced materials: ① ceramics ② new specialty polymer(engineering) ③ org. ↔ inorg.(composite materials) → echo-harmonized technology (industry + man) → designed based on their fns & applications 3. Infrastructure investment in public works, housing & power 4. Change to small scale production of higher value products such as superconductors, catalyst, functional polymers, membranes, medical/pharmaceutical products & sensing devices. 5. Medical technology, food production, biomedical engineering of artificial organs, drug delivery system 6. Interdisciplinarity gives the chance for real progress
※ The chemical industry is not a growing industry - current situation is simply a business cycle that will one day reverse - Chem. engineer ← farmer - Chem. engineer ← civil engineer : sustaining the infrastructure that exists and works for large organization Third Paradigm Chem. engineer must now develop a multi-scale & multi-objective approach aimed at a global optimization of production processes
New Research Opportunity 1. Increase productivity & selectivity through intelligent oprn and multi-scale control of processes: catalysts development, micro-technology, smart fluid dynamics 2. Design of novel equipments ↔ based on scientific principles & new modes of production : multi-functional reactor with higher yields : low cost module (safe, reliable, clean, cheap, easy to control) 3. Development of formulation eng. (with special emphasis on solid eng.): control of end-use properties (color, odor, flowability, sinterability) 4. Multi-scale application of computational chem. eng. to real life situations: from nano-scale to mega-scale modeling
Chem. Rxn. Eng. → brings diversity of inputs to process design 1. Multi-scale approach to process design / multi-objective task ← micro-scale plants design ⅰ ) process & product safety ⅱ ) environmental compatibility ⅲ ) waste minimization : higher selectivity 2. Minimization: mini-chemical systems (ex : hazardous materials) → produce on-site 3. Micro-plants ※ On the multi-scale approach the micro-reaction parallel processing from bench scale to pilot reactor are envisioned : as soon as laboratory data are sufficiently promising, engineering studies begin to look at the pilot-scale issue that are included in the procedure and information in feed back to the chemists so they can consider the ramifications of any problems.
Chemical R&D (I) 1. Chemical R&D ↔ don't bury it yet - chemical - related R&D is far from dead and has never been more important that ever - needs new technology : not cost & not service - restructures its R&D → making it more value oriented 2. Technology ← (future) petrochemical R&D 1) lies in adding value in developing - polymer feedstocks - intermediates - moving closer to the customer 2) is forced to become more efficient with their resources - decrease in R&D in the oil industry does not diminish its importance
Chemical R&D (II) 3) is cutting out R&D with little value (R&D : quicker results, immediate savings) - advances in future research will probably be at the boundaries of technical areas including physics, chemistry biotechnology, biochemistry, nanotechnology and materials science, etc. 4) claims new products, not product development 3. The best reason for continuing R&D is that technology continues to advance → technology has not yet peaked ex) genetically engineered cotton, new polymers, new composites, new materials from biotechnology ⇒ too many undiscovered materials.
Bridging Technology Gap in Chem. Eng. for 21st Century 1. Plant Safety - Fire & Explosion - Hazards Treatment - Safety & Risk Management - Pilot & Lab. Safety * Process safety is in the age of reengineering 2. Environmental Control - Groundwater & Soil Remediation - Waste Chemicals Treatment - Air Pollution Treatment - Separation Technique * Water & waste-water minimization technology
3. Industrial Practice - In-plant Process Troubleshooting - Fluid Bed Technology - Crystallization - Particulate Treatment Technology - Ion Exchange - Extraction, Adsorption, Absorption & Stripping - Membrane Technology - Scale Up/Down Design - Mixing Technology 4. Process & Materials - Heat Exchanger Design & Oprn : Pinch Analysis - Chemical Process Development - Mathematical Modeling & Optimization - Rxn Kinetics for the Practical Engineers - Ceramic Membrane Reactor Design - Distillation Technique for Non-ideal Solution - High Pressure Thermodynamics
5. Computer & Control - Planning Effective Experiments - Distillation Control - Control of Batch Processes - Advanced Process Control 6. Management & Economics - Project Management - Capital & Operation Cost Estimation - Practical Project Economic Evaluation 7. Energy Storage & Transportation 8. Biochemical & Polymer Engineering