School IPM Approach Ants & Cockroaches David J. Shetlar, Ph.D. The BugDoc Landscape Entomologist The Ohio State University
Why Control Ants & Cockroaches? Cockroaches – vectors of diseases – cause allergies! – contaminate foods Ants – contaminate foods – poorly tolerated by people – cause structural damage – a few may bite and/or sting
Cockroaches Ancient group (survivors!) Incomplete life cycle (eggs in cases) Omnivores (eat almost any food) Anthropomorphic species (tropical & subtropical species that live in the “comfort” of human buildings)
Cockroach Species German Brownbanded American Oriental (=waterbug) Domestic Ohio Species Native Species Woods roach
Cockroach Species SpeciesSizeLife SpanPreferred Habitats AmericanLarge yrNeeds water, commonly breeds in sewer systems & underground utility systems. OrientalMedium yrPrefers high humidity areas, can withstand freezing temps, often in basements, garages, crawl spaces. BrownbandedSmall daysCan withstand dryer conditions, often lives in electrical equipment, attaches egg cases anywhere. GermanSmall monthsRetains egg case until hatching, needs warmth, & water, often around food processing areas.
Cockroach Management Monitor (sticky traps, flushing agents, determine extent of population) Sanitation Exclusion (caulking, parameter sprays) Crack & Crevice Sprays or Dusts (treat all areas at once) Baits (eliminate other foods!)
School IPM Approach Cockroach Management Monitor (sticky traps, flushing agents, determine extent of population) Identify Species and STAGES Sanitation (clean floors, food prep areas, get all materials up on steel racks, de-cardboard incoming materials, stand up mops and brooms, etc.) Exclusion (caulking, sealing sewer access points, etc.) Baits (eliminate other foods!)
Food Preferences (sugars, oils, or omnivores) Nesting Habits (soil, tree voids, or building voids) Worker Types (single - monomorphic - or multiple sizes - polymorphic) Reproductive Strategy (single or multiple queens) Nuisance Ants
Carpenter Ant Odorous House Ant Acrobat Ants Argentine Ant Little Black Ant Pavement Ant Pharaoh Ant Thief Ant Common Ohio Ants House & Building Invaders
Acrobat Ants Pavement Ants Pharaoh Ants
Ant Management Identify species! Locate nesting site (outside and/or inside) Prune back trees and shrubs touching infested building Seal external entry sites Exclude with parameter sprays Select appropriate bait Treat colonies (injection, dusts)
Pest Risk Example Ants in a Classroom (They keep getting onto teacher’s desk!) What ant is it? (Pavement ant) Habitat? (soil outside building!) Food? (teacher keeps snacks in desk!) Water? (drip tubes from air conditioner!)
Typical school landscape with insect-prone plants.
Pest Risk Example Ants in a Classroom (They keep getting onto teacher’s desk!) Pavement ant (bait?) Habitat? (soil - caulk?) Food? (teacher can keep snacks in air- tight containers!) Water? (correct air conditioner drip tubes – move away from foundation)
Pest Risk Example Ants in a Classroom (Costs?) Baits & sprays require licensed applicator (even custodian needs license!) Caulking (requires knowledge of where ants are nesting) Food? (costs acquiring containers!) Correct air conditioners? ($$$$$$$)
Water Sources (for ants) Plumbing (above, below & within structure) Condensers (refrigerators & air conditioners) Roof Leaks (include down spouts) Trash (cups & containers have moisture)
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