Reception Our book was ‘Centipede’s 100 Shoes. We loved it! We changed it to look at 20 shoes, and we designed our own Centiblob! We had our own Maths Challenge area all week and we loved it. We also loved the Maths Trail, finding different numbers and counting lots of things.
Reception Our challenge was to build the best house for the three little pigs. We looked at different shapes, materials and sizes of houses We loved doing the Number Fun songs……. Especially Farmer Pete’s Sheep!
Year 1 Our maths book was One Hundred Hungry Ants. It was great! The book helped us see how we could group 100 in different ways and we used Numicon to help us. 4 x 25 2 x 50 5 x x 10 We discovered lots of interesting maths facts about our school on the maths trail.
Our class challenge was to organise sports day for key stage 1 Year 2 Time table of activities…… “made my brain hurt because we had to use all of our maths skills like addition, subtraction, times tables and even division. I enjoyed that though!” Organising how much equipment…… “At first we got muddled up but then we listened to each other and decided what was best” How many teams we need…. “It took us ages!! Then we realised with teamwork we could complete the challenge” We ordered ourselves from tallest to shortest as part of our maths trail
Year 3 Our book was ‘A remainder of One’. This story involved sharing and grouping on each page and there was always one left over. Children worked out and proved this on every page. Our Class Challenge was ‘Can we plan a school trip?’ We decided the National Space Centre would come to Statham and we calculated the costs for adults and children. We also planned the shortest route from Leicester to Lymm using Google Maps. We also enjoyed our class trail around the school.
Our story was called 'One is a snail, Ten is a crab.' As the story went on, different characters were introduced to represent different numbers. 1 was a snail, 2 was a person, 4 was a dog, etc. Year 4 Our maths challenge was to express these numbers in as many ways as we could. We found that as the numbers got larger, we could show more combinations of the different characters. So 6 could be expressed as a dog and a person; or as three people
Our Class Challenge was ‘Which teacher is the star in the reasonably priced car?’….. We looked at the ages of the cars and the retail price, as well as how far each car travelled per work day. Year 4 We enjoyed going round the school grounds completing the maths trail, which included estimating capacity, calculating perimeters and following directions
Year 6 Our maths challenge was ‘How have I spent my time at primary school? We had to calculate the time spent doing different activities, such as lining up and having break, as well as finding which subject we had spent most time doing throughout the last 7 years. Our book was Sir Cumference and the first Round Table, which was a fun adaptation of the formulae and properties associated with circles.