By: Zach Bucklin, Brooks Hamilton and Will Taylor
Tropic Thunder Travel
Many, tall trees Warm in rainfall each year Covers > 6% of earth’s surface Produces 40% of earth’s oxygen The 3 largest rainforests: 1. Central-America (Amazon river basin) 2. African 3. Asian (Indo-Malaysian)
The climate is very humid because of all the rainfall, which amounts to about 250 cm per year. Has lots of rain because it is very hot and wet (warm air holds more water than cold air) 50% precipitation comes from own evaporation
Summer: Dry season Best time ▪ Little rain, average is degrees Fahrenheit Winter: Wet season Enjoyable if you like the rain! ▪ Same temperature (on equator)
The winter home for many migrating birds Home to many tribes that have survived successfully for thousands of years Source for medicinal plants Most complex interdependence of animals on Earth Help maintain weather and rain patterns
Very humid environment; trees have pores that give off water through transpiration Large leaves to absorb sunlight Many species of vines that make up 40% of canopy leaves Strong biodiversity; no dominant species
Many mammals and birds that adapt to tree life such as New World monkeys Insects, such as Leafcutter ants, make up the largest group of animals Heavy fruit diets Bright colored species Sharp patterned species
Nature Walks Waterfall Visits River Boat Rafting
Rainforests cover 6% of World House over half the species Since 1990 half of the Rainforests have been destroyed
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