Magnetic lasso Tool Magnetic Lasso Tool is a free hand edge selection tool that distinguishes an image's edges and robotically selects the pixels around them. It is useful if there is some contrast between image and the background. Quick selection tool Quick Selection tool has an adjustable round brush, which allow you to “paint” a selection quickly. Click and drag, the selection increases outward and mechanically catches and follows defined edges in the image. Magic wand tool The Magic wand tool is one of the previous selection tools in Photoshop. It also selects pixels in a picture by noticing on object edges and based on tone and color. A Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorial Part-2 Photoshop CS6’s Tools Lasso Tool The Lasso Tool is a precious tool to make selections for those with an unstable hand. This Lasso Tool will also save serious time in making selec- tions. Polygonal lasso tool Polygonal Lasso Tool is another Photoshop’s basic selections tool. It allows us to easily draw freeform selection outlines based on straight-sid- ed polygonal shapes. Full tutorial is available here... Author: Rokaiya Yeasmin Munni
The lasso tool can be found on the toolbar directly underneath the marquee set of tools (the one represented by the rectangle of marching ants). If searching through the toolbar isn't for you, it's worth noting the tool in ques- tion's keyboard shortcut is the “L” key. To put things simply, the Lasso tool has the exact same end result as the marquee tool - it allows you to select a portion of your workspace, outlining the area in question with marching ants. The only difference between the marquee and lasso tool is how you actually get to the end result. Lasso tool is a freehand selection tool; it allows you to "draw" a line, giving you the ability to be more selective instead of dragging your mouse to set a shape's starting and end point. An example of an appropriate time to use the lasso tool would be if you have a very specific portion of your work- space you need to cut. You'd simply draw a line around it with the lasso tool to select it, and then use the Edit menu to cut or copy it. Full tutorial is available here... The Lasso Tool is a precious tool to make selections for those with an unstable hand. This Lasso Tool will also save serious time in making selections. Much like the marquee tools we covered in part one, the lasso tool isn't only one particular tool, but a group of tools. First, let's take a look at the standard lasso tool. Lasso Tool Author: Rokaiya Yeasmin Munni
Upon holding down the lasso tool's icon, a drop menu will appear wherein you may select the polygonal lasso tool. The polygonal lasso tool's keyboard shortcut is the “L” key. But now you have to hold down shift and then click “L” key to select it. Every iteration of the lasso tool works much the same in that they allow us the ability to make free-form shapes. What differentiates this one; however, is that the shape you draw will consist of a bunch of small, straight lines in the form of a polygon. If you need to select a portion of your work space consisting of a bunch of straight lines, this is the tool you need. If you need to cut such a shape (a stop sign, for example), you can select it with this tool by easily tracing its outer parameter of lines. The example used in the lasso tool above would hold true here, assuming the shape you need to cut consists of straight lines. Full tutorial is available here... Polygonal Lasso Tool is another Photoshop’s basic selections tool. It allows us to easily draw freeform selection outlines based on straight-sided polygonal shapes. Polygonal lasso tool Author: Rokaiya Yeasmin Munni
Now that you understand the lasso and polygonal lasso tools, this one will be easy to grasp. It is accessed from the same drop menu as the previous two tools. And also use the “L” key as a keyboard shortcut holding down shift key. Every iteration of the lasso tool works much the same in that they allow us the ability to make free-form shapes. What differentiates this one; however, is that the shape you draw will consist of a bunch of small, straight lines in the form of a polygon. If you need to select a portion of your work space consisting of a bunch of straight lines, this is the tool you need. If you need to cut such a shape (a stop sign, for example), you can select it with this tool by easily tracing its outer parameter of lines. If you have a complex, inorganic shape (such as a house), which needs to be selected and cut, you'd simply draw a rough line around the house and let the tool's automatic "magnetic" properties do the rest by perfecting the line like the above image. You would then cut through the Edit menu as usual. Full tutorial is available here... Magnetic Lasso Tool is a free hand edge selection tool that distinguishes an image's edges and robotically selects the pixels around them. It is useful if there is some contrast between image and the background. Magnetic lasso Tool Author: Rokaiya Yeasmin Munni
Now that you understand the lasso and polygonal lasso tools, this one will be easy to grasp. It is accessed from the same drop menu as the previous two tools. The keyboard shortcut for Quick Selection Tool is the “W” key. By clicking and dragging your mouse while the tool is selected, you're able to select a portion of your workspace and alter that area's colors. For example, if you have a picture of the sun on your screen and you wish to blow it up a bit, dragging the quick selection tool around its outer edge can distort the colors around it. The Quick selection tool also has a magnetic effect, meaning it recognizes borders around objects, making your selection seamless. Full tutorial is available here... Quick Selection tool has an adjustable round brush, which allow you to “paint” a selection quickly. Click and drag, the selection increases outward and mechanically catches and follows defined edges in the image. Quick selection tool Author: Rokaiya Yeasmin Munni
Magic Wand Tool is found in the same drop menu as the quick selection tool. And sharing the same keyboard shortcut “W” but hold down shift before pressing the “W” key. Unlike the quick selection tool, the magic wand tool lets you click on a portion of your image, highlighting that area along with any adjacent pixels of the same color (think of the Fill tool in Microsoft's Paint and how it acts on blocks of color). Using another example of sun, if the sun is all the same color, you can select it with one click and then edit it as you please through the Edit menu. The magic wand tool is an easier way to go about selecting objects consisting of one color. Tips: For all the above Photoshop CS6’s tools hold down “shift” key to add more selection and hold down “Alt” key to subtract from selection while working. Full tutorial is available here... The Magic wand tool is one of the previous selection tools in Photoshop. It also selects pixels in a picture by noticing on object edges and based on tone and color. Magic wand tool Author: Rokaiya Yeasmin Munni