Rules: Four teams Team with the most $ at the end of the game wins (prize included). You do not have to answer in question form. You have 30 seconds to gather a response with your group. It must be written on your group’s white board. A new person must report the answer each time—not doing so results in $-50. Every team must come up with an answer for each question—if a team is incorrect, we move on to the team who “buzzes” as soon as I say “incorrect.” We then go back to the original order/rotation. If your team talks out of turn or has to be told to be quiet, you will lose $-20.
A Raisin in the Sun JEOPARDY Act IAct IIAct IIIQuotesCritical Questions
Why is Mama getting a check for $10,000?
Why is Beneatha’s nickname, “Alaiyo,” which means “One For Whom Bread—Food—Is Not Enough” appropriate to her character?
Why did Beneatha say she wouldn’t marry George?
What was Beneatha’s attitude towards God?
Why does Mama call Walter a “disgrace” to his father’s memory?
Who is Karl Lindner, and why did he visit the Youngers’ house?
What does Mama do with her $10,000? Explain exactly what she does.
What is Walter’s reaction to Mama’s purchase of the house? What is Ruth’s reaction?
What news does Bobo bring to Walter?
What are “assimilationist” negroes?
Why doesn’t Beneatha want to be a doctor anymore?
What does Asagai ask Beneatha to do?
What is Walter’s solution to the $10,000 disappearing?
Why didn’t Walter take the money that Lindner offers?
Why is the play titled “A Raisin in the Sun?”
“Damn all the eggs that ever was!”
“Man say to his woman: I got me a dream. His woman say: Eat your eggs!”
“There simply is no god—there is only man and it is he who makes miracles!”
“Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it’s money.” “No, it was always money, Mama. We just didn’t know about it.”
“Here I am a giant—surrounded by ants! Ants who can’t even understand what it is the giant is talking about.”
Describe the relationship between Walter and Ruth.
Why did the playwright include the element of Ruth’s pregnancy to the play?
Who is responsible for Walter’s situation? Why?
Compare and contrast Asagai and George.
Could anything have been gained by including more scenes from the time BEFORE the events of the story? If so, what could have been added and for what purpose? If not, explain why not.