Area coverage Rice - 10 out of 18 districts Pulses - All the 18 districts Mission objective State to contribute 2 million tons of food grains in the 11 th plan period over base year ( ) Achievement 2 NFSM Production (in Million tonnes) Production Target (by ) Actual (till ) Estimated (by ) Base year ( )
3 CropApproved Plan Release (including unspent balance of ) Expenditure % of expenditure Rice ^ Pulses * Total (Rs. in Cr.) ^ Adjustment of bills is in progress. Expenditure will improve by March, Balance amount will be utilized during Summer rice. * 2 nd installment for NFSM pulses may be released. MPR submitted to GOI. NFSM - Financial Progress
4 InterventionsUnit Physical % achieved TargetAchievement Demonstrations on Improved Packages / SRI / Hybrid Nos. 6,8006,35093 Seed distribution (HYV & Hybrid) qntl. 2,26,2502,55, INM ha. 9,4506,96473 * IPM ha. 69,60017,57225 * Mechanization Nos Pump sets Nos ^ Farmers TrainingNos * Position will improve after final adjustment of subsidy claims. ^ Distribution is in progress. Target to be achieved by March, NFSM (Rice) - Physical Progress
5 InterventionsUnit Physical % achieved * TargetAchievement Seed distribution qntl. 30,00010,31434 INM ha. 14,0005,00835 IPM ha. 18,0002,12312 Mechanization Nos Pump sets Nos Sprinkler sets ha. 1,9161,22363 Farmers TrainingsNos * Maximum area of pulses is covered under rabi. Targets will be achieved by March, 2012 NFSM (Pulses) - Physical Progress
Food Grains Productivity ( kg/ha.) RicePulses Base year : Productivity (kg/ha.) Year Productivity (kg/ha.) Year 13% 6.5% 15% 6
PulseArea Proposed Area Increase in area Gram Pea Lentil Moong Urd Lythirus Others Total (+8%) (Unit : '000ha.) NFSM (Pulses) Action Plan for Additional Rabi Area
SRI Demonstration Nursery Transplanted Field Weeding Crop on maturity 8 Yield (demo plot) : q/ha. Farmers Plot : q/ha.
NFSM (Pulses) - Bund Cultivation & Intercropping Arhar on Paddy Bund Soybean + Arhar 9
NFSM (Pulses) - A3P Demonstration Arhar 10 Yield : q/ha.
NFSM (Pulses) : Demonstration Gram in Paddy Fallow 11 Yield (demo plot) q/ha. Yield farmer's plot q/ha.
YearSanctionReleaseExpenditure (till ) % of Expenditure BGREI - Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.) 12
Components TargetAchievement Estd. Saving Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. SanctionRelease Exp. (Oct '11) Estd. Exp. (upto March 2012) 1. Block Demonstrations (Rice) 39, , * Dugwell/Borewell 9, Site Specific Needs (a) Input Assistance to forest dwellers 14, , (b) Constr. of Check Dams /Micro-Minor Tanks Grand Total (Rs. in Cr.) BGREI : Physical Progress * To be utilized for Maize demonstrations during Rabi / Summer and costruction of micro-minor Irrigation tanks 13
Increasing area under Irrigation -224 Check dams & 94 Micro-minor Irrigation Tanks constructed - 5,000 ha. additional area brought under irrigation. Adoption of Improved practices % increase over Rice : -Use of quality seeds (SRR - 30%) 10% -Area under hybrid rice 105% -Area under Line sowing 75% -Area under transplantation 33% -Area under SRI 74% Maize : -Area under Hybrid maize 28% Increase in productivity % Increase (estd.) -Rice % -Maize % BGREI : Outcome 14
BGREI - Water Harvesting Structure Check Dam Micro-minor Irrigation Tank 15
BGREI ( ) Hybrid Rice Demonstration in PPP mode with SRI. District Bilaspur Private Partner Dhanya Seeds Yield per ha quintals Crop at maturity SRI - Weeding 16
BGREI - Paddy Line Sowing Demonstration Midland variety - Bamleshwari (New Variety) Yield 44 qntl / ha. Upland variety - MTU
Components PhysicalFinancial Estd. Saving Remarks TargetAchiev. Allo- cation Fund Alloted Expenditure (Oct. 2011) Block Demonstration 8000 Ha Actual cost of inputs being less than prescribed norm. - Lower application of Gypsum Constuction of New Ponds with Lining (Nos.) Construction will start after paddy harvest 1.40 Saving on Poly lining * * The saving is proposed to be utilized in block demonstration of Pulses during Rabi 60,000 Pulse Villages Programme (Rs. in Cr.) 18
Components TargetAchievement Estd. Saving Phy. Release Phy. Fin. Exp. (31 oct) Estd. Exp. (upto March 2012) Block Demonstration (Ha.)22, , Seed Minikit (HYV) (Nos.)22,200 8, Seed Production (Qtls.)1,200 2, Awareness Campaign Honorarium to TAs (Nos.) Training of farmers (Nos.)3,978 1, Post Harvest Tech. Unit0.60 Total INSIMP - Physical Progress (Rs. in Cr.) 19
SanctionReleaseExpenditure (till ) Estd. Final Expenditure (upto 31st March) Estd. Saving (against sanction) (62%) * *Reasons : -Inadequate availability (only 40%) of certified seeds. -Saving in use of Chemical fertilizer / Pesticide. -Excess allocation on training component (3.20 / cr.) Seed production programme taken up in 382 ha qtls quality seeds to be produced next year. Amount is proposed to be utilized for revised work plan under normal RKVY. INSIMP - Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.) 20
INSIMP - Demonstration Kodo Millets Ragi Millets 21
CropEstd. Production (in lakh MT) % growth Rice Total Cereals Total Pulses1.993 Total Food Grains Total Oilseeds2.980 Estimated Kharif Production Average rainfall : 102% of normal - 15 out of 18 districts received normal rainfall with fair distribution - Estimated growth - 3% 22
WHEAT PROGRAMME & STRATEGY Crop Area (000 Ha.) Production (000 MT) AchievementTarget % Increase AchievementTarget Wheat Encouraging timely sowing of Wheat. -Use of high temperature tolerant Wheat varieties. -Promoting use of sprinkler system. -Prevalence of yellow rust not observed in the state. PROGRAMME : STRATEGY :
District-wise Rabi Programme has been finalized and arrangement of inputs reviewed at divisional level meetings. DEMAND AND AVAILABILITY OF INPUTS CropDemandAvailability Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Total SEED : ( Unit- '000Qtls.) - FERTILIZER : ( Unit- MT) ParticularsUreaDAPMOPNPKSSPTotal Demand1,50,00065,00030,00054,50056,5003,56,000 Availability49,54640,7152,78030,4078,1011,31,549 - CREDIT THROUGH CO-OP. BANKS : (Unit- Cr. ) Achievement ( )Target ( ) RABI PREPAREDNESS 24
Rabi area expansion : Rabi cropped area to be increased by 10% (1.70 lakh ha.) with especial emphasis on pulses. Quality seeds distribution (Rabi) : Increase of 17% Introduction of new varieties in pulses : Gram : JAKI , JG-11, JG-63 Seed Production Programme (Pulses) being taken up in 8,000 ha. Additional Rabi area of 8,000 ha. to be brought under Micro Irrigation (Sprinkler System) in pulses. Initiatives 25
Status of Fund Mobilization Average time taken for release of funds to field agencies schemes - 1 month from the date of receipt of allocation. -To be reduced to 15 days from next year
From the current year, untied grant to states under BGREI & other sub-schemes has been reduced to 20% of allocation. This needs reconsideration. Original funding pattern should be restored so as to address state specific needs. The mandatory requirement of 100% utilization of previous year's allocation for release of 2nd installment during subsequent year needs review. It may be reduced to 80%. Demonstraion: Component –wise cost norms may be left to the states Farm pond construction : Unit cost for poly lining fixed at Rs lakh (with 50% subsidy component) is substantially less than the actual cost (approximately Rs. 1 lakh). Unit cost needs upscaling. Unit cost of Sprinkler System under NFSM (Pulses) needs upward revision in line with NMIS. Issues for Consideration 27
28 Thank You