Export Documentation Process to take advantage of AGOA/GSP Abou Fall AGOA/GVC Coordinator, Trade Hub 04 2016
U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) shows the duty rate (tax) applicable for the imported article. It also shows if the item qualifies for preferential duty treatment under GSP or AGOA.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule HTS # Description Duty Rates Regular Special #2 Special Rate: “A” = GSP “D” = AGOA
Export Documentation Requirements Commercial Invoice Certificate of Origin (GSP or Textile) Bill of Lading Packing list Other documents necessary to determine the admissibility of the imported merchandise THE ENTRY (RELEASE) PROCESS There are 2 types of entry: - INFORMAL entries are used for personal shipments and commercial shipments that are less than $2000. No bond is required. - FORMAL entries are used for commercial shipments that are over $2000. A bond is required. * The Entry Process or the act of making entry is required for all imported merchandise within fifteen (15) calendar days after that importation occurs. * The importer has the responsibility to make entry and liability to pay duties, taxes and fees accrued. However, the importer may authorize a customs house broker to act as his agent. This person is not a CBP employee). * We will review some of the docs in a minute, as well as expand on the last 4 bullets.
U.S. Import Process 5
AGOA Textile Entries Requires entry/entry summary AGOA Certificate of Origin at entry Invoice must be stamped with original AGOA visa by exporting country’s authorities Apparel utilizing grouping 4/D (Regional Fabric) or 5/E (Third Country Fabric) are processed as quota entries; Visa information processed for other groupings Claims for textile/apparel preferential treatment filed by using Chapter 9819 heading on CF7501 (Entry Summary), NOT SPI of “D” or “A” THE ENTRY (RELEASE) PROCESS There are 2 types of entry: - INFORMAL entries are used for personal shipments and commercial shipments that are less than $2000. No bond is required. - FORMAL entries are used for commercial shipments that are over $2000. A bond is required. * The Entry Process or the act of making entry is required for all imported merchandise within fifteen (15) calendar days after that importation occurs. * The importer has the responsibility to make entry and liability to pay duties, taxes and fees accrued. However, the importer may authorize a customs house broker to act as his agent. This person is not a CBP employee). * We will review some of the docs in a minute, as well as expand on the last 4 bullets.
Who Can Make Customs Entry? Customs entry can be made by the importer or a licensed Customs Broker. Brokers are licensed by Customs and Border Protection.
Country of Origin Marking All products imported into the United States, with certain exceptions, are required to be marked in English with their country of origin in a permanent manner, and in a conspicuous place.
CBP Publication on Importing Importing into the United States Designed for the Novice Importer Classification and Valuation Invoice Requirements Marking Requirements Customs Brokers http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/newsroom/publications/trade/iius.ctt/iius.pdf
CBP Advance Rulings Program Interested Parties may request a free binding ruling from CBP in advance of importation Classification under the HTS Valuation Country of Origin Marking AGOA Eligibility Submit request to CBP’s e-ruling system at: http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/legal/rulings/eRulingRequirements.xml
Binding Ruling Program - “CROSS” Rulings issued to all parties are located on the Customs Ruling Online Search System, or “CROSS”. http://rulings.cbp.gov/
Thank you for your attention Abou Fall, ATRC Coordinator Abou_Fall@watradehub.com www.watradehub.com