Presented by Group (3) 24 th March 2016 Brainstorming Discussions
Outline 1.Value Chain 2. Legal basic 3. Information to record 4. Information to be transferred 5. Tools to use 6. Verification
1. Value Chain Step (1) Fishing vessel* Step (2) Collected vessel Step (3) Landing site Step (4) Auction market Step (5) Traders ( Middle men) Step (6) Factory ( Processing Plant) Step (7) Export * Import & forward to step6
3. Information to record Step (1) : Fishing License No. of registration Name of fishing vessel Flag State Fishing Area Fishing Gear Duration of Fishing Trip (Start to Finish) Catching (Sp: & Wt)
2. Legal basis Fishing, Transshiping, Landing ……………… Step (1-3) (Fisheries Law, Transportation Law, Food Law, Environmental Law) Buying, Trading, Distributing, Processing ………Step(4-6) (Food Law, Fisheries Law, Trade Law) Exporting …………………………………... Step (7) (International Trade Law)
3. Information to record (Cont:) Step (2) Collector/reefer vessel Collecting vessel ID License No. of registration Name of collecting vessel Date and Time of collecting Species Weight
3. Information to record (Cont:) Step (3) Landing Date and time of landing Port of landing Vessel ID Authorization of landing Species of landing Weight of landing
3. Information to record (Cont:) Step (4) Auction market & Step(5) Traders (Middle men) Registration of buyer Name of buyer Invoice Species of buying Weight of buying Source of fishing Date of buying
3. Information to record (Cont:) Step (7) Exporting Date of exporting Species of exporting Quantity of exporting Type of Product Destination Temp: of store
3. Information to record (Cont:) Step (6) Processing plant (Factory) Type of products Date of processing Batch of freezing Source of fish Species of fish Quantity (used/obtained) Manufacturing Date Best before date Labeling
4. Information to be transfer Step (2) Collecting vessel Collecting vessel ID License No. of registration Name of collecting vessel Date and Time of collecting Species Weight
4. Information to transfer (Cont:) Step (3) Landing Date and time of landing Port of landing Vessel ID Authorization of landing Species of landing Weight of landing
4. Information to transfer (Cont:) Step (4) Auction market & Step(5) Traders (Middle men) Registration of buyer Name of buyer Invoice Species of buying Weight of buying Source of fishing Date of buying
4. Information to be transfer (Cont:) Step (7) Exporting Date of exporting Species of exporting Quantity of exporting Type of Product Destination Temp: of store
5.Tools to use Step (1) : Fishing Log Book Step (2) Collected vessel Transshipment document Step (3) Landing Catch Certificate Step (4-7) Auction market to processing plant Product Movement Document (PMD)
6.Tools to use Step (7) Export Cert. of Origin Health Certificate Trade Certificate Invoice & packing list
6.Verification Step (3) Landing How: verify by CA When: Before landing Where: landing site
6.Verification (cont:) Step (4) Auction market How: verify by CA When: After landing Where: Auction market
6.Verification (cont:) Step (6) Factory ( Processing Plant) How: PMD When: After receiving to processing plant Where: Processing plant
6.Verification (cont:) Step (7) Exporting How: PMD & CC When: Before exportation Where: Processing plant
Thank you