Programme 7 Inspection and Insurance. Teaching objectives Learn how to talk about commercial inspection and negotiate clauses concerning insurance; Know.


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Presentation transcript:

Programme 7 Inspection and Insurance

Teaching objectives Learn how to talk about commercial inspection and negotiate clauses concerning insurance; Know the procedures of inspection; Practice listening for specific information; Practice communicating with business partners.

Introduction to inspection and insurance As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. It always occurs not only import contract but also export contract and covers the quality, quantity, weight packing etc. stipulated in the contract.

Insurance also plays an important role. Cargo insurance protection is an aid to commercial negotiations. It allows traders to proceed with confidence in the knowledge that each party to the transaction is properly protected.

Presentation for business negotiation to make dialogues Mr. Rodgers is talking with the Beihai Foreign Trade Company about inspecting the goods and insurance relating to the benefits, the terms and limitations which suit to their needs.

Case 1 : At the factory quality inspection 质量检验 表示感激经常用 appreciate ,例如 –—— We highly appreciate your close cooperation with us. 非常感谢你们与我们的密切合作。 –—— We shall appreciate it if you will make us a firm offer for 100 tons. 如果能给我们报 100 吨的实盘,我们 将不胜感激。 do a deal 成交 in details 详细的 control room 控制室;主控室 assembly line 装配线;流水作业线.

Case 2:Insurance People ’ s Insurance Company of China ( PICC )中国人民 保险公司 Ocean Marine Cargo Clause ( OMCC )海洋运输货物保险条 款 Free from Particular Average ( FPA )平安险 With Particular Average ( WPA )水渍险 All Risks ( AR )一切险 special additional risk 特殊附加险 为 …… 保险 —— Please insure us on the following products. 请为我们保 险下列货物。 —— Every cooperation insures itself against loss or damage to its property. 每个公司都为自己的财产保险。

Case 3: On the phone carry out 进行;执行 Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 出入境检验检疫局 branch offices 分支机构 commercial contract 商业合同

Practical Training 1) How are you nice to see you It ’ s my pleasure I think I have to tell you something it will be appreciated

2) three additional risks some special additional risks F.P.A. WPA

3) What can I do for you? hold on please. carried out available That ’ s very kind of you.

Interpret the following sentences 1) Welcome to our company. 2) It ’ s my pleasure to come here visiting your company for quality inspection. 3) I ’ d like to know some details about the assembly line . 4) How do you cover insurance?

5) What risks do you usually cover for this particular article? 6) We usually insure against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. 7) What do you think of our factory? 8) I phoned you for checking whether our goods are delivered.

9) I ’ ve checked it that the inspection will be carried out within 5 days before delivery. 10) I will send it to you as soon as possible.

Reading and finishing the exercises