Copyright © Wondershare Software LOGO FCA & CIP
Copyright © Wondershare Software Introduction
Coffee with Ü (exporting Brazilian) and MyCoffe (Canadian importer): Coffee or coffee plant (Coffea) and its fruits are used mostly for the production of coffee, this drink is highly stimulating, because it contains caffeine, is usually taken as breakfast or at the table after meals, and is a non-alcoholic drink more socializing in many countries. There are almost as many ways to prepare this drink as consumers but the most popular (apart from taking it only) is that it takes milk, although it is often also add cream, chocolate or any liquor. Usually served hot, but it can also be cold or with ice.
Copyright © Wondershare Software Coffee with Ü (exporting Brazilian) and MyCoffe (Canadian importer): The coffee industry currently moves more than $ 70 billion a year, a figure surpassed only by oil in what refers to exports of raw materials worldwide; market Brazil is located in the first position of the countries most exporters in the world with a little more than one-third of world production, only in Brazil, it is estimated that you there are about 220,000 coffee plantations which gives work to more than 3.5 million people.
Copyright © Wondershare Software Coffee with Ü (exporting Brazilian) and MyCoffe (Canadian importer): That's why how importing MyCoffe off the coast of Canada in St. John's seeks to sell the seeds of coffee for its high degree of consumption throughout the country and seeks to export Coffee with Ü takes place in one of the major producing areas of the world such as Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Copyright © Wondershare Software The type of transport that will be used to deliver the product to the buyer We are going to transport our merchandise by sea because it’s cheaper than air and it’s more useful for large amount of goods so it’s very convenient for our business to use this way. After we settle all the agreements with the client, we can close the deal and contact our customs agent or broker so they will be doing all requests and the work to export our product to Canada without any trouble.
Copyright © Wondershare Software The type of transport that will be used to deliver the product to the buyer The Process: _The merchandise is packed and moved to a container that will carry it to customs. _Then it’s checked by the corresponding authority in order to prepare the shipment to leave land and go to the buyer’s country. _When the goods arrive in the port, all the responsability of goods pass to buyer.
Copyright © Wondershare Software The type of Incoterm to be used and why this is the best one for the situation. In the contract of sales we make clear to use the CIP (Carriage and Insurance paid to) instead of FCA (Free Carriage) in order to export the goods to Canada. CIP is more suitable for our company because it reduces the risk of loss of the goods that we export and allows multimodal transport. Then we can arrange the transportation of the merchandise to the place agreed with the buyer, so all the cargo might have to arrive safely and secure and the buyer will be satisfied, he dealt with us and become a regular client so we can do business anytime we want.
Copyright © Wondershare Software The type of Incoterm to be used and why this is the best one for the situation. On the other hand FCA carries more risk of loss than CIP if we do it this way there is a chance of risk to the goods like damage even loss of a certain amount of goods. Considering that we only carry the goods to any seaport within our country after that we hand over all the responsability of the product to the buyer, so he has to take care of it once the merchandise arrive to the first carrier to import the goods to his country.
Copyright © Wondershare Software The seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the charge of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point.
Copyright © Wondershare Software "Carrier" means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of carriage by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.
Copyright © Wondershare Software Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP) A commercial term indicating that the seller delivers the goods to a carrier or to another person nominated by the seller, at a place mutually agreed upon by the buyer and seller, and that the seller pays the freight and insurance charges to transport the goods to the specified destination. Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP) means that although the seller pays for freight and insurance, the risk of damage or loss to the goods being transported is transferred from the seller to the buyer as soon as the goods have been delivered to the carrier. While the seller is responsible for insuring the shipment, this obligation only extends to the minimum level of insurance coverage. If the buyer desires additional insurance, such extra coverage will have to be arranged by the buyer.
Copyright © Wondershare Software Obligations of the Seller Goods - Provide the goods, commercial invoice or electronic message, and other documentation as required by the sales contract. Licenses and Customs Formalities - Obtain at own risk and cost any export licenses and authorizations and carry out all export formalities and procedures. Carriage and Insurance - Contract for and pay all costs of carriage and insurance to the named port of destination. The insurance policy or document must allow the buyer to make a claim directly from the insurer. Deliver the insurance document to the buyer. Delivery - Deliver the goods to the carrier (or first of multiple carriers) for carriage to the named port of destination within the time period stipulated in the sales contract. Risk Transfer - Assume all risks of loss or damage to the goods until they have been delivered to the carrier or first of multiple carriers.
Copyright © Wondershare Software Costs - Pay all costs until the goods have been delivered to the carrier, plus costs of loading, carriage, insurance to the named port of destination plus normal unloading. Also to pay all costs relating to export including duties, taxes and customs formalities. Pay the costs of unloading, customs clearance, duties, and other costs if such costs are included in the cost of carriage. Notice to the Buyer - Provide sufficient notice to the buyer that the goods have been delivered to the carrier. Proof of Delivery, Transport Documents - Provide the buyer with a transport document. Checking, Packing, Marking - Pay all costs associated with checking the quality and quantity of the goods to be in conformity with the sales contract. Provide appropriate packing (unless the goods are traditionally delivered unpackaged) as required for the transport of the goods, to the extent that the buyer has made transport circumstances known to the seller prior to the execution of the sales contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging.
Copyright © Wondershare Software Obligations of the Buyer The buyer must pay the Price of the good as provided in the contract of sale. Licenses, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Contracts of carriage and insurance Contract of carriage Contract of insurance Taking Delivery Transfer of risks Allocation of costs Notices to the seller Proof of delivery Inspection of goods
Copyright © Wondershare Software Conclusion