الله الرحيم بسم الرحمن
علیرضا صراف شیرازی دانشیار و مدیر گروه دندانپزشکی کودکان رئیس کتابخانه مرکزی و مرکز علم سنجی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد
Bibliographic Databases Electronic Publishers E-Books Evidence Based Medicine Databases
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2015 Cited References Times Cited Related Records Citing … moving Backward in time via Cited References, Forward in time via Times Cited, and expand your search with Related Records. Citation Navigation Paper Published in 2012
Impact Factor
The Impact Factor can be considered to represent how many times an average article was cited in the previous 2 years How was the 2010 Impact Factor of “Journal-X” calculated? A = Total number of times all journals published in 2010 cited articles published in Journal-X in B = Number of articles published by Journal-X in Impact Factor = A/B
H-Indexشاخصی از شاخصهاي علمسنجي است. اين شاخص در سال 2005 ميلادي توسط Jorge Hirsch در دانشگاه کاليفرنيا ابداع شد. اين شاخص در واقع با هدف ارزيابي کيفي اثر و ارزيابي کمي برونداد پژوهشي محققين ابداع شده است. مفهوم H-Index عبارت است از تعداد مقالات نويسنده که تعداد ارجاعات برابر با h و يا بيشتر از آن دارند. مثلا چنانچه H-Index محققي 5 باشد، مفهوم آن اين است که اين محقق حداقل 5 مقاله منتشر شده دارد که هرکدام حداقل 5 استناد يا Citation دارند. به عبارت ديگر مفهوم آن اين است که ساير مقالات اين محقق کمتر از 5 استناد دارند. امروزه اين شاخص معادل Impact Factor براي محققين محسوب ميشود.
PUBMED PubMed is a Web-based retrieval system developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine. It is part of NCBI's vast retrieval system, known as Entrez.Entrez PubMed is a database of bibliographic information drawn primarily from the life sciences literature. PubMed contains links to full-text articles at participating publishers' Web sites as well as links to other third party sites such as libraries and sequencing centers. PubMed provides access and links to the integrated molecular biology databases maintained by NCBI.
The diagram illustrates the relationships between the primary information resources in Entrez.
MEDLINE is NLM's premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, the preclinical sciences, and some other areas of the life sciences. MEDLINE contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from over 5600 journals published in the United States and in 70 foreign countries. It has over 19 million records dating from the Coverage is worldwide but most records are from English language sources or have English language abstracts. MEDLINE contains citations, not full-text articles (PubMed provides links to some full-text). Each MEDLINE record is identified with a PMID and the tag [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]. MEDLINE records are generally added Tuesday through Saturday.
1) مجلات آن را بشناسید 2) در PUBMED خود را REGISTER کنید 3) جستجوی خوب کجا انجام میشود؟ A)MESH B)Clinical Queries C)Advanced 4) امکانات پس از جستجو..
Bibliographic Database Multidisciplinary Not Free!!
ISI Web of Science
ISI Institute for Scientific Information
… the ISI Web of KNOWLEDGE Web Content Linking CrossSearching Alerting Personalization
ESSENTIAL SCIENCE INDICATORS What is Essential Science Indicators? An analytical tool in the Web of Knowledge It offers researchers, administrators, deans, and directors measures of worldwide research activity Performance measures include: Productivity, as reflected by number of papers Influence, as reflected by number of citations Impact, as reflected by number of citations/paper
Agricultural Science Biology & Biochemistry Chemistry Clinical Medicine Computer Science Economics & Business Engineering Environment/ Ecology Geosciences Immunology Materials Science Mathematics Microbiology Molecular Biology & Genetics Multidisciplinary Neuroscience & Behavior Pharmacology Physics Plant & Animal Science Psychiatry/Psychology Social Sciences--general Space Science
4 PARTS OF ESI 1.Citation rankings Institution, Scientist, Country, Journal 2.Most cited papers: long-term vs. “hot” Highly Cited Papers (top 1% per research field) Hot Papers (top cited in 2 month period) 3.Citation Analysis Baselines against which to measure your performance “Research Fronts” to track new trends 4.Editorial commentary Science Watch
WHAT KINDS OF QUESTIONS CAN ESI HELP ME ANSWER? Which institutions produce the most highly-cited chemistry research? –Is my organization one of them? –If so, what is our ranking?
QUESTIONS FROM RESEARCHERS –Which researchers have published the most influential work in immunology over the past 10 years? –One of my researchers published a paper in 1999 in the field of microbiology. It has been cited 45 times to date; how does this compare to other papers published in this discipline? –I have just received a grant request and need to evaluate the applicant: Is this researcher highly-cited? Does he/she currently have any “hot” papers?
Modern PersianPhahlaviMeaning Farvardin Farr e Din OrdibeheshtAsha VahishtaBehtarin Rasty KhordadHaurvatatRasaei & Kamali TirTishtryaTond & chabok MordadAmeretatNa mira ShahrevarKhashtra VairyaKeshvare e Arezoo Shodeh MihrMitrahPaymen e doustie AbanApAub AzarAtar / AdurAtash DayDadarAfaridegar BahmanVohu ManahNik Nahad EsphandEspandarmazForoutani Moghadas