Yahoo! Mail We gave Google some good press so we’ll use Yahoo! mail as our example for web s. If you don’t have an account Yahoo! will provide one for you for free My last class slides have instructions on how to set up an account. I can go over it with you if you need after this class
If you don’t have an account start here! works
If you have an account start here!
Your mail comes to an “inbox” The new Yahoo! Mail has several ways to get there Yahoo mail has a “CLASSIC” View which is better for older computers. From now on all displays will use this option. Once you set the “CLASSIC” view Yahoo! will remember and always use it.
The new Yahoo! Mail has a lot of bells and whistles but it can be slow. If your computer is loading the New Yahoo! Mail slow it will prompt you to change to “classic” view. Inbox
Advertisements appear at the top, often they are flashy, with large images that change if your mouse goes over them. This slows down your system and demands more memory. Most computers can cope. Hey it’s free Unread mails appear in bold text. Attachments are shown by the “Paperclip” image. Attachments can hold viruses, Yahoo pre-scans but it’s not perfect, so be careful.
Clicking on the name will open it Click on an attachment to open it
You can DELETE an REPLY to the sender FORWARD it to another address mark it as SPAM or MOVE it to another folder (Like the TRASH FOLDER) Compose lets you SEND a new
TO is the address or addresses you want to send the mail to. Add CC lets you send copies to others Add BCC lets you send copies but won’t include that persons address in the other mails (Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy just like the old days!) Attach Files Here Type text here!
When you click attach files you “Browse” to the file you want. Usually it is easiest to find on the “Desktop”. Save a file you need to somewhere EASY to find!
Once you find the file you want, left click on it and hit “open” The file doesn’t really open it “Attaches ”
The file now appears on the list, you can attach many files at once, Yahoo defaults 5 slots, but you can add more
Yahoo shows you an “You did it!” screen Plus one more chance to show you an advertisement After you check to make sure this was the file you meant to attach… continue to message
Once you finish your text, and attach all the files that you want to attach click SEND! Yahoo! Will ask if you want to add this person to your address book so you can keep track of the address. Or you can return to your inbox.
You can click on your SENT mail folder to make sure the mail was sent out. Yahoo! Keeps a copy until you delete it. It even keeps a copy of attachments. Always remember to SIGN OUT! Especially here in the library!