WARM UP The year is 1865, and at last the Civil War is over. The South’s primary labor system, slavery, has been abolished. About 4.5 million African Americans now have their freedom but lack money, property, education, and opportunity. Southern states are beginning the process of readmission to the Union, but the effects of war continue to be felt throughout the South. Rail lines are unusable. Farms, plantations, and factories lie in ruins. What goals should the government set to reconstruct the South? How can Northern resources help the South? In what ways can the South rebuild its economy? What can the government do to assist African Americans? In groups of 3-4, brainstorm ideas on these questions… (please write them individually )
Getting familiar… Guided Questions-Reconstruction Use your textbooks (starts on p.376) to answer the following questions 1. What was Lincoln’s 10% Plan (3 Main parts)? 2. What was Reconstruction? 3.Who was Thaddeus Stevens? 4. Who took over the presidency after Lincoln was assassinated? 5. What was the Freedmen’s Bureau? Black Codes? th, 14 th, 15 th amendments. (pg 380) 7. Andrew Johnson gets impeached. Why? Take 10 minutes on this…
Putting it back together… Reconstruction Plans
Political Turmoil Andrew Johnson becomes President in April, 1865 when Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth –Johnson is from the South, but is a staunch Unionist Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress had differing ideas on how Reconstruction should be handled –Lincoln: 10% Plan-pardon of Confederates, needed 10% of 1860’s voters to swear allegiance to the Union to be readmitted –Johnson: Presidential Reconstruction-similar to Lincoln’s, dealt more harshly with high-ranking Confederates and wealthy landowners Lincoln also creates the Freedman’s Bureau –Established by Congress in the last month of war, assisted former slaves and poor whites in the south by distributing clothing and food.
Radical Republicans Some Republicans were angry with these plans –These become known as Radical Republicans –Radicals Republicans wanted to punish the south & give full rights to African Americans –Thaddeus Stevens is leader of Radical Republicans Radical Republicans didn’t like Lincoln’s plan –They pass the Wade-Davis Bill, saying a majority (not 10% would have to swear loyalty) –Lincoln vetoed the bill Radical Republicans don’t like Johnson’s plan –refuse to admit new Southern Reps. approved by Johnson –Congress enlarges Freedmen’s Bureau in 1866 –Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1866 – gives citizenship to blacks
Johnson’s Response & Congressional Plan Johnson vetoed both Freedmen’s Bureau Act & Civil Rights Act Republicans banded together to override Johnson’s veto Congress also adds 14 th Amendment to give Constitutional basis for Civil Rights Act –Amendment guarantees “equal protection under the law” –Johnson advises South to reject amendment –All southern states but Tennessee reject it In 1867 Congress passes Reconstruction Act of 1867 –Didn’t recognize state gov’ts under Lincoln or Johnson’s plan –Southern states divided into 5 military districts –To re-enter union, states had to accept 14 th Amend & allow black males the right to vote Johnson vetoes; Congress overrides the veto
Impeachment President Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act –Congress had passed TOA to protect Sec. of War Edwin Stanton –Johnson fired Stanton to protest TOA; Congress impeaches Johnson on 11 counts Senate needed 2/3 majority to remove Johnson Final vote was 35 to 19 (1 short of 2/3 majority needed) After Johnson leaves office, Congress passed the 15 th Amendment which gave African Americans males the right to vote
Southern Society New Southern Politics –Dominated by 3 groups –Scalawags – Southerners who sided w/ Northern Republicans –Carpetbaggers – Northerners who came south for profit –“Black Republicans” – newly freed African Americans who got involved in politics (usually on the local or state levels) –Hiram Revels – 1 st African American congressman Economy –Much of the land had been damaged or neglected during the war –Also, plantation system collapsed once slaves were freed –Most farmers (both former slaves & poor whites) resorted to sharecropping or tenant farming –Cotton was also no longer profitable; farmers turn to a variety of crops
Freed Slaves Former slaves were exposed to many new opportunities after the war (politics, education, land ownership, etc.) Many moved away from plantations into cities Family reunification was common, due to many families being split during slavery Many former slaves learned to read and write –Even a few colleges begin for blacks (Hampton Institute & Howard University) African Americans fought black codes early during Reconstruction & still faced persecution later on –The Ku Klux Klan began to terrorize blacks Most African Americans continued farming as sharecroppers or tenant farmers
End to Reconstruction Ulysses S. Grant won election in 1868 & again in 1872 –He served 2 terms with little accomplishment/lots of scandal Election of 1876 was closely contested between Rutherford B. Hayes (R) & Samuel Tilden (D) Tilden won the popular vote, but was 1 electoral vote short of a majority (20 electoral votes disputed) –Election was given to Hayes, but the House of Reps had to approve –Dems would approve IF military reconstruction was ended & a Southerner was appointed to the cabinet –Compromise of 1877 The South finally achieved “home rule” – no federal interference in state affairs
Election of 1876 Results