Building Permit Contractor Round Table 8744 Government Drive New Port Richey, Florida Wednesday – May 8, :00 pm to 4:00 pm
Unlicensed Contractors Sergeant Ross
Statistics MarchApril Applications Permits NB16183 N2B6384
Statistics Single Family Homes Issued
Statistics On-Line Permits MarchApril Air Conditioning Re Roofs45 Ground Settlement Testing4075 Water Heaters4842 Electrical178
Turn Around Time As of May 2, 2013 Residential Site Review working on applications submitted April 23, 2013 Plan Review working on applications submitted March 28, 2013
Number of Inspections Performed MarchApril Structural Electrical Mechanical Plumbing
Inspections Continued March
Inspections Continued April
Number of Inspectors MarchApril Structural88 plus (one Vacant) Electrical55 Mechanical55 Plumbing33
Roll Overs MarchApril Structural % % Electrical % % Mechanical % % Plumbing % %
Over Time Over Time April 26, 2013 thru April 30, 2013 EmployeesHoursProjects DRTs2821 Plans Examiners51126 Inspectors33.510
Utility fee payment issues
Results of Staffing/Level of Service discussions with county administration
Model Center concerns: parking and engineering inspections
Model Homes - Hillsborough.pdf Model Homes - Tampa.pdf
TUG (temporary underground power) Services
Definition of T.U.G. Service Installing a permanent service to a building while under construction instead of using a saw pole (Temp service pole), to supply power for construction. See following photos
What’s wrong with this Picture? Not code compliant Dangerous Not protected
Code Violations: NEC article states: “Panelboards in damp or wet Locations shall be installed To comply with Article NEC Article states: “Enclosures installed in wet locations shall be weatherproof”
Meter enclosure showing that it is energized. Some of the problem here is the lack of a disconnect to shut power to the panels inside if an accident occurred such a truss falling on the panel leaving the possibility of exposed energized wiring.
This is an example of an energized panel in a tract home. The tar paper was not on the roof at this time. The panel had water dripping out of it which could contribute to electrocution.
Another panel showing all house wiring entering an energized panel. Article 590
Recommendations All of the methods used in the previous pictures, I would not advise allowing in Pasco County. There are ways to accomplish TUG services and comply with the NEC Install a combination Meter and Panel outside at the service entrance. Supply required receptacles below outside panel Install and wire inside panel as normal Connect the 2 at final and call for inspection to energize. Any other code compliant installation.
Update from Jennifer and Sam on the Price comparison with surrounding jurisdictions
Open Discussion
Inspection types deficiencies for Video Framing Slab Sheathing nailing
Site Plan Question Q:Can we use the Developments Construction (Civil) plans approved by county showing the specific lot? A:YES. You need to have the COUNTY APPROVED SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS, indicating the specific lot.
Site Plan Question Q:I.e. Paving Grading & Drainage pages or Erosion Control page... or our SWPP map that we develop to comply with State NPDES? (Not county approved) A:YES. You also need to have copy of the SWPP map and ESC map for the entire development. ( Those developed to comply with State NPDES) These plans should be located in the permit box and will insure that any overall BMPs have been installed throughout the site or at least the current phase. For a Single family lot, the BMP’s are narrative in nature and are at the discretion of the Builder. The Builder must insure that there will be no illicit discharges from the lot to surrounding lots or water bodies. The Inspector will let the Builder know of any deficiencies at the Pre-Construction inspection. No site clearing activities, except as required to construct BMPs, shall occur until the site has passed the pre-construction inspection.
Site Plan Question Q:I am told the inspectors are asking to have county approved plot plan which we do not get from county until building permit is approved? That would negate the whole idea of an early SW permit we can survey lot, review soils & ensure dirt balances for the lot & proposed home going on it. Address any compaction issues if lot happens to require import or handle any unexpected soil issues (organics) too so when the permit is eventually issued, we are off to a good start. A: Our inspectors are not requesting approved lot plans for the Pre-Construction Inspection
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