Letter to Viceroy, Lord Irwin by Mahandas Gandhi
Why this Text? Ideas that change the world do not materialize out of thin air. The nonviolent protests of the American civil rights movement and the Arab Spring stem largely from Gandhi’s successful use of nonviolence. This lesson explores how Gandhi appeals to his audience and reinforces his argument to accomplish social change.
Analyze Rhetoric (Lines 1-15) Gandhi’s audience is a British official. With his audience in mind, Gandhi makes two important points in the opening paragraphs of his letter. Reread the first two paragraphs. What would Gandhi prefer to an act of civil disobedience? Identify what evidence shows his preference to civil disobedience.
Analyze Argument (Lines 16-24) Gandhi begins his argument by stating a cause and its effects. Reread lines 16-24 and identify what the cause of India’s problems are according to Gandhi. Identify the effects of British rule on India.
Analyze Rhetoric (Lines 32-45) Gandhi identifies three forces involved in the situation in India. Reread lines 32-45 & list the three forces Gandhi identifies. Which force does Gandhi plan to combat with nonviolent force? Identify the lines that indicate the plan. Why does Gandhi’s opposition to the Indian party of violence appeal to his audience, the Viceroy?
Analyze Argument & Rhetoric (Lines 52-54 ) Reread lines 52-54. Identify Gandhi’s purpose. How does Gandhi use this purpose to try to appeal to his audience?
Analyze Rhetoric (Lines 57-63) Gandhi makes a comparison between the British & his family. Reread lines 57-63. Against what other group has Gandhi used the same “weapon” he plans to use against the British? How might this comparison affect his audience?
Analyze Rhetoric (lines 69-77) Reread lines 69-77. Gandhi describes a future relationship between Great Britain and India after greed has been eliminated from the relationship. What words does Gandhi use to describe this future relationship? How do these words affect the Viceroy?
Analyze Rhetoric (lines 95-102) Before closing, Gandhi makes an offer to the Viceroy. Reread lines 95-102 and state what Gandhi offers to the Viceroy. How might this offer affect this Viceroy? In return, Gandhi asks something of the Viceroy. Identify what the request is.