Chemistry Honors Project Presented by Dr. Lachman.


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Presentation transcript:

Chemistry Honors Project Presented by Dr. Lachman

To Find Free Journal Articles There Are Three Excellent Websites:  PubMed  Ingenta  Google Scholar en&tab=ws&q= en&tab=ws&q

PubMed To look for articles on a particular topic/subject-Type your search term and click GO

PubMed Notice that there are over 800,000 articles available…time to do an advance search

PubMed Notice that you can limit by Fields, Languages, Human or Animal, Entrez Date, Publication Types, Subsets, Ages, Gender and Publication Date

PubMed Now lets use a “Boolean” operator “AND Evolution” as well as limit the articles to English, Humans and the past five years You could also truncate (i.e. type in flavor* to find all words with a common beginning…flavored, flavorful, flavoring…)

PubMed Now we have limited our search to1763, still too large…

PubMed So we limit our search by adding “and life origin” as well as limiting the search to the past year. As a result we find an article that fits our research

PubMed If we click on the article that we want, you will notice that we get an abstract that includes all the identifying information It also contains related articles/links

PubMed Now we can investigate other articles that seem to fit our needs. We can “check” the articles we are interested in and put them on the clipboard

PubMed Your Clipboard will contain all of the articles that you were saving The articles will be in the following formats “No Abstract”, “Abstract” and “Full Free Text”

PubMed In this case, you can view the abstract and then “click” on the link for the full text article

PubMed The “History” Tab allows you to go back and see previous searches as well as combine searches

Ingenta Very Similar to PubMed, not as many free articles. I would recommend that you search it, find the articles you are interested in, and see if you can get them from a free source.

Ingenta Notice that by using the same search as PubMed, I found 90 articles You can save the articles by “clicking” on them and “updating the marked list”

Google Scholar Google Scholar lets you search through full-text academic papers Simply go to and type in your search terms

Google Scholar The benefit is it is really easy to get full text articles The detriment is that there are so many of them

Additional Databases/Places to find full text of your abstracts One excellent place is the Corona Public Library Webpage dex.cfm?go=Database dex.cfm?go=Database

Corona Public Library An excellent “Free” resource (you do need to get a library card, though).

Corona Public Library In order to use their website, you just need to put in your library card number and PIN (I wrote my pin right on my library card)

Corona Public Library From there, you go to “electronic databases” and click on EBSCO

Corona Public Library You’ll notice that the database has some of the same features as “PubMed” Some of the features are a bit more user friendly

The University of California Riverside Go to and click on the library button on the left hand

University of California Riverside Go to “Books and Journals” button on left hand side

University of California Riverside Select “Scotty”

University of California Riverside Start Searching!

Any Questions? Just stop by the library and I will help you find the answers!