Director Competency Training January 2015
Use your same login and passwords!
To keep in line with our Cadence Education brand change To shed negativity Build excitement
Are parent’s receiving our touches? Meaningful and Varied touches, what does this look like? Voic s Mailers
Your reports are only as good as the information entered in. Make sure to enter in as much information regarding the family as possible!
Who goes on the ACTIVE tab? Who goes on the Follow Up tab? Why? An inquiry should never be moved to Follow Up if it doesn’t have a Visit Completed Date.
Added a page to the Enrollment Builder to show “Best Practices/Training Guide.” When a visit is completed, “Status” will automatically change to follow up. “Family Comments” is now available when adding a call or Walk- in inquiry as a place to add personal information about the family. Added “Wait List” status for schools that have inquires interested in enrolling but school has no room in the classroom. Outlook reminder includes more Inquiry info. Show a legend of what each Inquiry Status means. Added “AdWords” GIST to Internal Inquiry input form. If a visit is scheduled online, the Visit Date and Time are now added to the Internal Comments. Inquiries coming from show "Desired Start Date" in Internal Comments.
We will begin sending a monthly Focus e- blast.
Check your Follow Up tab to make sure every inquiry has a Visit Completed Date.
Closing You are not closing if you do not ask!
Think Like a Closer
5 Non-negotiable skills necessary: 1. Needs Assessment 2. Benefit Presentation 3. Handling Objections 4. Final Close 5. Follow Up
Questioning will lead to a better understanding of the prospect’s needs Will begin building a relationship/rapport with the potential customer- this is critical!
Benefit Presentation Feature= fact Benefit= what the family receives 2 word benefit test= “So What?” Trial Close To secure agreement to something you just stated A way to check the progress of the sale
Simone could really excel with our preschool curriculum, wouldn’t you agree? Is having ongoing parent communication like we provide important to you? Do you think Sam would benefit from the preschool activities we offer? Does our educational program fit your family’s needs?
The Triple A Formula: Acknowledge Address Ask
Remember: if you do not ask, you are not closing! After asking the question….be quiet Inviting is not closing “I think Brooke would really enjoy our school. We would love to have you join our school’s family. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me.” Instead: “I think Brooke would really enjoy our school and we’d love to have you join our Apple Tree family. Would enrolling Brooke in our preschool program the week of January 4 th work for your family or would the week of the 11 th be more convenient?”
Alternate Choice *Would you like for Simone to start today or would tomorrow be better? *Would you like to pay the registration fee with a credit card or a check? *Would you like to start Simone on February 9th or the 16th? Direct *Would you like to enroll today? *Would you like to leave a registration fee to secure Annie’s spot? *Would you like to start Annie on Monday?
Assumptive *Which day would you like Simone to start? *Would you like my assistance filling out the registration paperwork for Simone? *Which of our tuition plans for preschool would you like? Impending Doom *We only have 2 openings in our toddler classroom. Would you like to pay the registration fee to ensure that one of those spots is Ben’s?
Alternate Choice Direct Assumptive Impending Doom
If your prospect does not enroll….. Remember: “The fortune is in the follow-up!” The primary key to success in increasing enrollment is……. ASKING!