GHMB917 Library Session Melanie Thompson Health Behavioural Sciences Librarian.
By the end of today’s class you will be able to: Start preparing for your assessments Locate items on your reading list Develop a search strategy Search for journal articles using databases, such as CINAHL, Article Finder etc.
Preparation for assessments: 1. Tutorial presentation 2. Assessment 2 Review the literature and highlight the key findings and issues of relevance from these three perspectives: psychological sociological cultural.
Search Strategy Produces a comprehensive search strategy by: - accurately identifying keywords - expanding from key words - creating a list of synonyms/key terms - using appropriate databases /10 Hints! Use the databases listed in the Nursing and Midwifery Library Guide. If you are unable to find suitable articles think about: - combining keywords and searches appropriately (AND/OR) - refine search: broadening, limiting or truncating - use database features: limit fields, year etc. - select/download/print references. Marking Criteria – Assessment 2
Locating resources when you already have the citation (on page 9 of your subject outline) Cioffi, J 2004, ‘Caring for women from culturally diverse backgrounds: midwives’ experiences’, Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, vol. 49, no. 5, pp
Library Catalogue:
A-Z Journal List
Check our holdings match the year
Look for the relevant year/date
Check for issue and/or page numbers
To access the article select the PDF icon
Activity 1: On your worksheet Complete handout questions 1 to 5 using the following citation: Farrell, MJ & Rose, L (2008), ‘Use of mobile handheld computers in clinical nursing education,’ Journal of Nursing Education, 47 (1),
Remember to print, save or any articles you find
Developing a search strategy Helps you to brainstorm the possibilities and break down your question Helps you to keep a record of your approach Improves consistency of searching across multiple databases and the Library catalogue.
Connecting search terms (Boolean Operators) AND – can help to limit/refine your search, for e.g. postnatal depression AND culture OR – can help to broaden your search, it helps you find your alternative keywords, for e.g. teenager OR adolescent NOT – can help to limit your search, for e.g. father NOT mother
Truncation Finds variations in the way the word can end Helps you to broaden your search For example, nurs* will find: nurse, nursed, nurses, nursing etc. Symbols can vary across databases, for e.g. *, ?, ! or $
Postnatal depression Discuss psychosocial and cultural perspectives of this problem. What are the keywords?
KeywordsAlternative keywords postnatal depress* psychosocial cultur* Postnatal depression Discuss psychosocial and cultural perspectives of this problem
KeywordsAlternative keywords postnatal depress* post-natal depress* post natal depress* Postpartum depress* psychosocial intervention antenatal or postnatal support “community care” “social support” cultur* mother* (mother, mothers, motherhood etc.) parent* father* famil* religio* or belie* Postnatal depression AND OR Discuss psychosocial and cultural perspectives of this problem
Activity: Brainstorm the key concepts, keywords for your chosen topic What are some alternative terms or synonyms? How could you use truncation? How could you use AND, OR?
Finding Journal articles… Some useful databases include: CINAHL (international) Cochrane Library (international) Sociological Abstracts (international) Informit Health Collection (Australian) ProQuest (international) SAGE Journals Online (Health Sciences, international) Expanded Academic Index (international).
Your starting point
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Article Finder! Another way to search databases for journal articles Searches across multiple databases for you at the same time!
Article Finder Hint: if searching for a phrase put your terms in quotation marks, for e.g. “Global financial Crisis”
Article Finder
Discover undiscovered resources
What happens if full text is not available in the search results? Copy the title of the journal Open another browser Open the catalogue and select the Article Finder tab Go to the A-Z journal list Paste or re-type the journal title and select search Check if it is available via another database or print subscription.
Remember to use more then one database!
What is a refereed journal? Contains articles reviewed / checked by other academics in the subject area AKA: Peer reviewed Scholarly
Ulrichsweb Periodical Directory You can use the Ulrich’s database to verify if your journal articles are academic, referred or peer reviewed.
Need more help? > Ask at the Research Help Desk > a Librarian Service ‘Resources for assignments’ guide