How many different declensions are there for adjectives? Two 1 st -2 nd declension and 3 rd declension
How can you tell if an adjective is 1 st -2 nd declension or 3 rd declension? -a = 1 st -2 nd -is = 3 rd How can you get the base? Drop -a or -is
acer, acris, acre facilis, facile calidus, calida, calidum clarus, clara, clarum aureus, aurea, aureum brevis, breve sacer, sacra, sacrum commotus, commota, commotum dexter, dextra, dextrum
Adjectives of the 1 st -2 nd declension have endings that look like… 1 st -2 nd declension
Masculine singular Masculine plural Feminine singular Feminine plural Neuter singular Neuter plural us/eriaaeuma iorumaearumiorum oisaeiso umosamasuma oisa o
If you have not memorized these forms… DO IT!
3 rd declension adjectives have forms that look like…. 3 rd declension (more or less)
Masc. singular Masc. plural Fem. singular Fem. plural Neuter singular Neuter plural depends on 1t, 2t, 3t es depends on 1t, 2t, 3t ia isium all feminine isium iibus forms aresame as iibus emes masc. see nom.ia iiumiibus
These are more confusing If you are having trouble, memorize the 3 rd declension I-stem noun chart, and that will work most of the time.
1 st -2 nd declension adjectives modifying any declension of noun
An adjective must agree with the noun it modifies in … GENDER NUMBER CASE
Agreement does not necessarily mean the endings will match equos celeres = fast horses militem ferum = wild soldier nullam spem = no hope sometimes they do match equos multos = many horses militem acrem = fierce soldier
Start with the NOUN Look up or memorize the gender. Sometimes the meaning will tell you, but not always. You need to know the declension of the noun to figure out the case and number The more you memorize the easier it is
Figure out the gender number and case of the noun Determine the base of the adjective Determine the declension of the adjective Choose the same gender, number and case as the noun, but choose it from the adjective chart
Start with horse – it is 2 nd decl masculine and the base is equ--- so add the 2 nd decl masc acc sing to equ--- and you get equum Get the base of caecus, caeca, caecum caec--- It is 1 st -2 nd declension so look at the 1 st -2 nd decl chart. Pick masculine,accusative, singular - caecum So the answer is equum caecum
dux, ducis is 3 rd decl. The base is duc--- the acc. pl. is –es so the answer is duces clarus, clara, clarum means famous. The base is clar--- the declension is 1 st -2 nd so the ending is -os so the answer is claros duces claros
1. acc. pl. tall girls 2. dat. sing. blind soldier 3. abl sing. famous band of men 4. gen. pl. grateful slaves 5. acc. sing. filthy dog altus, alta, altum puella, puellae caecus, caeca, caecum miles, militis clarus, clara, clarum manus, manūs gratus, grata, gratum servus, servi foedus, foeda, foedum canis, canis
puellas altas militi caeco manu clarā servorum gratorum canem foedum