Are we Autonomous yet?
Autonomy vs Sovereignty AUTONOMY: noun, plural au·ton·o·mies. 1. independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions: the autonomy of the individual. 2. the state or condition of having independence or freedom, or of being autonomous; self- government, or the right of self-government: The rebels demanded autonomy from Spain. 3. a self-governing community. EXAMPLE: Our Naval Service Act
Sovereignty Definition: sov·er·eign [sov-rin, sov-er-in, suhv-] noun 1. a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler. 2. a person who has supreme power or authority. 3. a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority. EXAMPLE: What United States won from Britain in Revolutionary War.
Big Leaps in Autonomy Naval Services Act Formation of CEF Own Units in WWI (Vimy Ridge) Seat at Paris Peace Conference Joining the League of Nations as our own country
Interwar ments Remember: The Person’s Case, 1929 Emily Murphy and four other activist women challenged PM Mackenzie King to appoint female senator and to clarify “persons” 1928: Supreme Court of Canada ruled that women not “persons” under Constitution “Famous Five” appealed to Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Britain; 1929: declared support for women.
1921: William Lyon Mackenzie King Elected as Prime Minister for Liberals Wanted to continue Borden’s work towards Canadian independence/autonomy
1922: Turkey Time Britain plans to invade Turkey. PM WLMK refuses support. King later demands Britain allow Canada to sign international treaties without a British signature. Basically, being allowed to sign permission slips without your parent/guardian’s signature.
New Pals United States (in good financial position) begins investing heavily in Canada Start to become primary trading partners, no longer Britain
King-Byng Affair 1925 No details yet…you’ll research this after!
1926 Imperial Conference Nothing to do with Star Wars Dominions of the British Empire: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa Request formal recognition of their autonomy, or right to self-govern Britain appoints Lord Balfour, respected politician, to investigate
Balfour Report Arthur Balfour: Former PM “We refer to the group of self-governing communities composed of Great Britain and the Dominions. Their position and mutual relation may be readily defined. They are autonomous communities with the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the crown.
Statute of Westminster 1931 British Empire no more! Now British Commonwealth Canada now on equal ground with Britain, essentially Constitution (still BNA Act) remains in British control due to Canadian governments being unable to agree on amending formula…they’ll figure it out.
King-Byng Affair/Crisis Research using the Case Studies as a guide Use your textbook to answer the questions, but you will have to supplement with internet research as the book keeps it brief. Counterpoints, Ch 3, Page minutes MAX to complete
Final Word Is Canada now autonomous? Is Canada now sovereign? What has changed, since then?