YOU are the KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS Do you really want to learn? You must begin with the proper DESIRE to learn! When you desire to LEARN as much as you desire AIR when your head is held under water… will you have the motivation necessary to achieve that learning!! - Socrates' advice on learning to Plato 1. Make good use of the EDUCO Technology that accompanies your textbook! a. Do the homework in the EDUCO tutorial to learn how to enter your answers. b. Take a TEST in EDUCO to discover your math weaknesses. c. Click on Test Analysis and write down the codes of those sections & objectives in which you scored anything less than 100%. d. Go back to the tutorial to those sections and do the work required. e. Upon completion of your study, go back and take the same test over again. f. Continue in this success cycle until you reach mastery of all the material!! 2. DO the Homework in your textbook for those sections in which you are weak!!! 3. Try the Cover-Sheet/Smart-Sheet Strategies to take some of the anxiety out of taking a math test or reading a math textbook. 4. Ask questions in class when you don’t understand something. + + = YOU must have The right ATTITUDE Towards Learning! YOU must DO What it takes to Get that learning! YOU must have a real DESIRE to LEARN! SUCCESS!! Lose the “can’t do ” attitude and replace it with a winner’s “can do” attitude! Then DO what it takes to get you where you want to go!!
Before you can learn anything… …YOU must have a CAN-DO ATTITUDE ….about your ability to learn!
If you have a negative attitude about studying math… …If you break out in cold sweats at the thought of taking a math test… …If you feel stressed out at the very thought of doing a math problem… …Relax… you are not alone!
If you believe that you can’t do something, …you can be assured of this one thing: you will not likely be successful at that particular thing. As long as you tell yourself you are not good at math …or that you don’t like math, you will have a tough time ever being successful at math. First…. The Bad News!
You CAN turn that CAN’T DO …into a CAN DO …by changing your outlook! Then you CAN take the steps necessary …to make success happen! Now…Here’s the GOOD NEWS!!!
Now, with a positive, … CAN DO attitude, …you can learn some things …that will make success happen!
The Cover-Sheet Strategy can take the stress out of reading a math textbook or taking a math test. Consider this: The mind is like a computer. When a computer gets too many programs opened, it will oftentimes crash. Your mind does the same thing when it has information overload. The Cover-Sheet Strategy
Information overload happens when you become overwhelmed by the complexity of the material presented, because your eyes are taking it all in at the same time, trying to process more information than you can handle at one time.
Now if you were to cover up everything on the two pages of your book… except for that portion that you are immediately reading… …you could prevent your mind from going into stress overload and thereby “crashing” from all that math anxiety!
When you see the math… …one line at a time …you will be much more likely to grasp the concept, …than if you become overwhelmed by the complexity of seeing the whole thing at once.
When you are in the classroom… Your teacher presents the material one step at a time… …and it is usually readily understood.
If you cover up the textbook page… …So you only see only one line at a time, …you can create that step-by-step learning experience on your own… …and thus have a more positive feeling about learning math!
People who suffer from math test anxiety …can really benefit from …this Cover-Sheet approach.
By applying this cover-sheet strategy to test-taking… …you will see yourself becoming …a more successful math student. Allow yourself to see only one problem at a time …and you can avoid the information overload that stresses out the average math student.
Your mind will be more productive… …as you focus on only one problem at a time.
Are you ever anxious … …worrying that you might forget something important on the test??
If you have studied properly, using your Computerized courseware as it was designed: testing, studying, retesting until mastery is reached… “Smart-Sheet” Strategy
And if you practice making a “smart-sheet” of memory aids, helpful tips, formulas, etc., that will be useful on the test… You can go in there with confidence and do your very best on that test!!
How to Apply “Smart-Sheet” Strategy to Test Taking Prepare a practice sheet of useful tips, memory aids, formulas, ‘game plans’, etc. that would be useful for remembering the material you are studying.
Practice writing this “Smart-Sheet” …over and over several times …from memory… …in exactly the same way each time… …before going in to take the test.
When you are in the testing center …preparing to take that test, …cover up the test …and write down your “Smart-sheet” …from memory …exactly as you have practiced it… …before doing anything else. Turn this “Smart-sheet” over …and cover up your test with it …so you can only see …one test problem at a time …and only turn it back over … when you need something from it …to help you do your problem.
Would you like to see some Hints, Helps, and Memory Aids for Math to put on your “Smart-Sheet” so you will understand the math better?
You can find Mrs. B.F. Lee’s MathAids by clicking on DOCUMENTS in your EDUCO online. Then click on Course.
Do the Homework in the EDUCO Tutorial. Take a Test/Quiz to discover your math weaknesses. Upon completion of the test/quiz, click on Test Analysis and write down the codes for those objectives in which you are weak. Go back to the Tutorial for that chapter, section and objective and do the work that is required there. Do Homework in the book for those objectives, as well. Take the Test over after you have finished your study. Continue in this cycle for success until you have mastered all the material!! How to use EDUCO Technology to be the best math student you can be!!
A Point to Ponder If I believe I cannot do something it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it, Even if I did not have the ability in the beginning. - Mahatma Gandhi
Study Like You Mean It!! And you WILL become the best math student you can be!!