Analyzing Presentations of Information
Nonfiction that presents events and people of the past. Often, history writing will combine narrative text (a true story with a setting, characters, and a plot) and informational text (main ideas & factual details) History Writing
Even though history writers base their work on factual research, two history writers may write about the same event in different ways. How writers shape their presentation of key information can depend on individual point of view. Author’s perspective is the unique combination of ideas, values, feelings, and beliefs that influence the way a looks at a topic. Author’s Perspective
In comparing the perspectives of two or more authors writing about the same event, look for clues.
Objective Point of View – author focuses on factual information leaving out personal opinions Subjective Point of View – author includes personal feelings, beliefs, and opinions Tone – author’s attitude toward subject Direct statements – Beware of statements or comments that come directly from the author Emphasis – How is the information presented differently? What is emphasized? Do they put forth different interpretations of facts? Portrayals – How are historical figures portrayed? Why are the figures include?
What similarities and differences do you notice in two historical accounts on the same subject? Look for clues using the graphic organizer. What do these details reveal about the author’s perspective?
hcollections/resources/common/videoPlayer/ ml?shortvid=V_FLLIT_0073&title=from%20Flesh%20an d%20Blood%20So%20Cheap%3A%20The%20Triangle%20 Fire%20and%20Its%20Legacy&page=265&imgdisplay=h istory hcollections/resources/common/videoPlayer/ ml?shortvid=V_FLLIT_0073&title=from%20Flesh%20an d%20Blood%20So%20Cheap%3A%20The%20Triangle%20 Fire%20and%20Its%20Legacy&page=265&imgdisplay=h istory Video Title - from Flesh and Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy