6/14/2016 1
4 SEMINARS: Seminar Participation (synchronous discussion): You can earn credit for seminar by participating in 1 of the 2 options listed on the seminar page for a Unit. Seminar Option 1: Seminars will be held using the KHE Seminar tool. Use the following instructions to enter seminar: To access your Seminar, log in to your home page and click on the course for which you are attending Seminar. This will open two windows. The narrow window is called the remote window. In the remote window, please click on the blue underlined text that says "Enter KHE Seminar." After a brief pause, you will be in the Seminar. Your name should appear on the left side of the screen. For additional instructions, review Seminar Instructions found in the Course Home menu for the course. Seminar Option 2: Respond to the seminar discussion questions listed. Each response will be graded individually and posted to the grade book using the rubric found in the “Rubrics” section of this document.
Discussion Question Participation: Discussion Questions provide a forum for students to ask questions and answer important questions about the course material. The discussion questions also allow students to receive feedback from the instructor and other students in the class. The instructor will interact with students within the discussion board each week. A discussion question grade will be posted to the grade sheet for each Unit. Students are expected to post: A Minimum of three posts per unit discussion thread. one post in response to the instructor’s question by EOD Saturday -- this is your initial response two posts in response to two classmates by EOD Tuesday, end of unit. original posts should be 100 words and responses should be 50 words. Based on your schedule, your post and responses can be made on the same day or on separate days. 6/14/2016 5
Any first-term student or any student seeking reentry who does not register attendance within the first 7 days (online)/14 days (onsite) of the term will be withdrawn from his or her classes and his or her enrollment will be cancelled. Students who have not participated in class by failing to log in for 21 consecutive calendar days (excluding scheduled breaks) will be administratively withdrawn from their program. Students who fail to log into any class within the first 21 days of the term will be dropped from the class or classes. Students enrolled in a 6-week term may not exceed 14 consecutive days of nonattendance. Nonattendance may affect financial aid eligibility. Students withdrawn due to nonattendance must apply for readmission by following reentry procedures appropriate to their location of enrollment and will be permitted to return no sooner than the beginning of the next grading period. Onsite students withdrawn for this reason may be readmitted only at the discretion of the Campus President/ Executive Director. Students may appeal to their school’s Dean (online) or the Campus President/Executive Director (onsite) if they feel an error has been made in their attendance calculation. Courses are presented in weekly units. The weekly attendance period begins Wednesday at 12:00 am ET and ends on Tuesday at 11:59 pm ET. 6/14/2016 6
Wait to respond to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions (often referred to as "flaming"), personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication will not be tolerated. Never post a message that is in all capital letters -- it comes across to the reader as SHOUTING! Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm. Keep messages short and to the point. Always practice good grammar, punctuation, and composition. This shows that you’ve taken the time to craft your response and that you respect your classmates' work. Keep in mind that threaded discussions are meant to be constructive exchanges. Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself. Use spell check! 6/14/2016 7
8 Hi. My name is Jay Crew.
6/14/ Asynchronous – Seminar Option 2 (Response stands due on Tuesday at midnight EST).