Channel A Jacobo Suarez 2/20/2012 Marketing 1, period 5
What is channel A? Channel A is the first channel of distribution. It is the channel where the product is made by the manufacture/producer then is sold straight to the final customer. The product does not go to a retailer, it is not sold to an agent or a wholesaler. It goes straight to the final customer. As if you went from the ticket line in the airport, straight to the airplane without having to get you baggage checked or not having to go through security. Channel A
See’s Candies have many stores all over the country. So how does this company represent channel A? Simple, the factory in San Francisco California where all of the candy is produced has a store connected to it. So customers can get See’s famous candy fresh out of the production line. Therefore it shoes how it goes from the manufacture strait to the final customer.
How did See’s Candies get started? It all started with that infamous old women, Mary See. Mary See symbolizes the old-fashioned virtues of homemade quality and friendly service. She was the mother of Charles See. The one who got it all started. He went to Los Angeles from Canada in 1921 to make his mothers home made candies into a successful business. He obviously succeeded with opening the first See's Candies shop and kitchen on Western Avenue in Los Angeles in November of The sparkling clean, black and white shop was designed to resemble Mary See's home kitchen. Then, In 1972, the See's family sold the company to Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Since then, the company has expanded greatly and the headquarters in now located in San Francisco, California.
How does the store work? The store that is connected to the factory works in a simple way. the store is given the candy directly through the factory. That store gives out free sample and what not to the customers as well. You can also make a custom order. The rest of the product obviously is shipped out to all of the other stores across the country. The reason that this is an example of channel a is because the product is manufactured, then sold to the final customer.
Channel B John DeSouza
CHANNEL B In this channel, a product goes from a manufacturer to a retailer then to a consumer. In this channel, a product goes from a manufacturer to a retailer then to a consumer. This channel is usually used for merchandise which can perish easily or need to be tended to often. This channel is usually used for merchandise which can perish easily or need to be tended to often. Some examples of products which use this channel are cars or clothing. Some examples of products which use this channel are cars or clothing.
Manufacturer: Retailer: Consumer:
MANUFACTURED IN: Ford Kansas City Assembly Plant Located in Claycomo, Missouri
Wonka Laffy Taffy (CHANNEL C) Austin Noble
Producers Willy Wonka Factory Oompa Loompa’s do not work at the factory There is no chocolate river They do have swag
Wholesalers COSTCO IS A WHOLESALER! A whole aisle is dedicated to candy
Retailer Wal-Mart is one of example retailers From here it goes to the consumer
CHANNEL D Manufacturer/Producer ↓ Agents ↓ Wholesaler ↓ Retailer ↓ Consumer Manufacturers who prefer to concentrate on production and leave sales and distribution to others use this channel.
Victor Diamond Mine Located in Ontario, Canada The annual production rate is 2.7 million tons a year, which equals about 600,000 carats a year in diamond grade. Manufacturer/Producer :
Diamond Distributors of America Their Diamonds include: Round Diamonds, Princess Cut Diamonds, Emerald Cut Diamonds, Heart Shaped Diamonds, Oval Shaped Diamonds, Pear Shaped Diamonds, Marquise Shaped Diamonds, Trillion Cut Diamonds, & more... Agent:
When you purchase your diamonds through “”, expect a one-of-a-kind money-back guarantee, and the best customer service in the business. Wholesaler:
Acquire diamonds through wholesalers. (Ie. Kay Jewelers or Zales) Retailer:
Consumer The consumer is ages 4-63 Consumers buy for themselves
Channel E By Cody Petford Channel E Cody Petford
Manufactures Here is a Rolex factory that is located in Lucerne, Switzerland. Here they melt down the gold and put it into cast. Then machines make the watches.
Agents Rolex has agents that go to retailers and sells them Rolex watches. Rolex sell watches in it’s own stores and also to other retail stores such as Melrose Jewelers.
Retailer There are few retail stores that sell Rolex watches. This is because of the price. You can find some Rolexes at high end jewlers.
Consumer Consumers who buy this product have a lot of money. Consumers will often times buy more than one watch.