Material used for engineering purpose can be divided into three group those required for their 1) Mineral Characteristics 2) Structural Properties 3) Water Any investigation for these materials should include an assessment of their quality as well as their volume.
Building stones,aggregate are included in the second group and their suitability would be assessed by their volume, general quality and rock mass properties like size and shape of the block Water is important due to its ability to mix with Cement. The chemical characteristics of the supply would therefore be considered as well as the volume available.
Aggregate:- Concrete is of grate importance as a structural material and special attendance has to be paid to the nature aggregate employed. Aggregate includes gravel crushed stone, sand and other material which are mixed with cement and water in making concrete. The selection of suitable aggregate is important because ¾ volume of concrete is aggregate. There are different rocks which can be used as aggregate. Some of them are Basalt, Gabbro Granite,Quartzite etc.
Porosity:- The porosity of a rock is the ratio of the volume occupied by pores to the total volume of the rock sample. It is generally expressed in percentage of the volume of the sample. If W1 is the weight of the dry rock sample. W2 is the weight of the sample when it is made saturated with water and V is its total volume, Porosity can be determined as follows P= (W2-W1)/V x 100
The strength of rock is determined by knowing its crushing strength,shearing and resistance to abrasion. The crushing strength is the resistance offered by a stone to pressure. The resistance called shearing strength. The stones which are to be put in the foundation of civil engineering structure must have high crushing and shearing strength. For making road metal the rock having high crushing strength are selected The resistance of a stone to scratching or rubbing action is called its resistance to abrasion The stone used for paving and flooring purpose must have high resistance to abrasion.
Permeability is the capacity of a rock to transmit water. It indicate the also with which the water can percolate through the opening of rock. The Permeability of rock is perpendicular important in number of engineering problems such as those connected with dams,reservoirs,water supply,sanitary engineering and other structure. The permeable rock are considered harmful because they cause seepage of water which may even lead to the destruction of the structure.
The durability of a stone is it’s capacity to retain it’s capacity to retain its original size,strength and appearance throughout a long period. Some rock which do not resist weathering,decay and loose strength early. The durability of a rock is directly to it’s mineral composition and texture. Building stones in big cities are severely affected by Co2 and So2 gases which are released into the atmosphere by various industries. During continues rain the pores in stone may be filled with a saturated salt solution. Then the crystallization of sault occurs which cause disintegration of stones
When rock are heated to high temperature and the cooled, they may get damaged. This is particularly the case if they rich in mineral like calcite and feldspar. The rocks in the order of decreasing resistance to damage by fire are sand stone,granite,limestone,gneiss and marble.
It is the resistance of a rock to tensile stresses. Test rock cylinder diametrically in such a way that applied load would develop tensile rupturing along the plane of the specimen. Loads are gradually increased till the cylinder fracture