Safe. Sensible. Social. The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy Taking forward partnerships and local implementation. Mike Carson Conference 20.


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Presentation transcript:

Safe. Sensible. Social. The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy Taking forward partnerships and local implementation. Mike Carson Conference 20 th November 2007.

Working in partnership The Strategy outlines key programmes of work - Partnership programme with local areas & Gov Offices - Earlier identification interventions & treatment - Tackling alcohol related offending - Replacing glassware in high risk premises - Further action on drink driving - Further action on underage sales - Action on responsible retailing and promotions - Review of Industry Social Responsibility Standards - Improved labelling/ advice to pregnant women - Promoting a culture of sensible drinking - Support for harmful drinkers - Preventing harm to those under 18

Working in partnership The Strategy outlines a key focus on: 1. Underage Drinkers year old binge drinkers 3. Harmful/ prevalent drinkers For full details check out the strategy here.strategy

Working in partnership Police and Justice Act 2006 requires local areas to have a strategy to tackle alcohol. Alcohol strategies should be at right strategic level – often Local Strat Partnership and taken forward by constituent bodies eg CDRPs, Strat Health Auth/ PCTs Strategies should treat alcohol misuse thematically and cover community safety/ crime; health; children & young people etc Strategies should reflect evidence based assessment of alcohol problem, have clear targets linked to PSAs, LAAs (as appropriate) and other M.I., clear designated leads and monitor action/ progress. Working with Alcohol Concern on local strategy toolkit and with GO alcohol leads

Working in partnership -Importance of local areas accessing and assessing relevant management information to understand the extent of and to tackle alcohol misuse, establishing data sharing protocols between delivery partners as appropriate eg between A&E departments and Police/ CDRPs. - Stat Instruments 1830 & 1831 – strategic assessment and sharing of data - General levels of drinking nationally and regionally too high - Strategic driver of alcohol behind crime/ health harms - Dashboard/ Indicator Set – linked to new PSAs

Working in partnership Dashboard will draw on relevant PSA indicators: NI 20 Assault with injury crime rate PSA 25 (measured with recorded crime) NI 39 Alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates PSA 25 (Hospital Episodes Data) NI 41 Perceptions of drunk or rowdy behaviour as a problem PSA 25 (LGUSS data, being replaced by the CLG Place Based Survey) There is also a related alcohol indicator from DCSF NI 115 Drug, alcohol and substance misuse by young people PSA 14 (OFSTEAD TellUs data – being piloted)

Working in partnership Alcohol Expectations - Government Office leads working with OGD leads (DoH, DCSF, DCMS etc.) - thematic management of alcohol at senior level in GO/ delivery structure - regional statement of priorities/ strategy - scrutiny facility in GO to assess and benchmark local performance to feed into LAA process

Working in partnership - to assist development of local alcohol strategies (LSP and CDRP level) - contribute to delivery of related PSA targets - To develop strategic networks to set policy and scrutinise performance, and to set up networks of practitioners - positive promotion of alcohol as cross cutting issue in LAAs - promotion of cross cutting alcohol strategies at right strategic level with support & challenge - the encouragement and challenge local areas to manage alcohol as a cross cutting issue

Working in partnership Education/ Young People - Preventative and educational work with young people and parents including work in schools to raise awareness of sensible drinking and the harms of alcohol misuse eg in health schools programme - the development as necessary of processes to identify and refer children and young people at risk of harm from alcohol misuse to relevant bodies such as Childrens’ Services/ Youth Inclusion and Support Panels in alignment with the Every Child Matters and Hidden Harms approach, or to alcohol education and interventions if more appropriate ( - targeted work with parents whose drinking is causing risk to the well being of children, including interventions as necessary

Working in partnership Health - A promotion of the message of Sensible drinking eg Drinkaware Trust Know Your Limits - Promotion of greater awareness of alcohol units - Promotion of awareness of health harms caused by alcohol misuse - Promoting the roll-out of targeted identification and brief advice - The establishment of comprehensive local treatment systems for alcohol as described in Models of Care for Alcohol Misusers (MoCAM) - The promotion of data collection, and data sharing protocols from A&E departments with Police and CDRPs

Working in partnership Crime - Effective management of the Night Time Economy (NTE) - Incorporation of lessons learnt and best practice in the Tackling Violent Crime Programme, where local areas are non-participants - Tackling anti-social behaviour and criminal damage linked to alcohol, and alcohol fuelled disorder - Tackling domestic violence linked to the misuse of alcohol - Tackling sexual violence and harassment linked - Tackling overlap with the misuse of drugs - Tackling under-age sales including best practice from TUSAC and AMEC campaigns

Working in partnership Crime - Promoting effective use if licensing powers, linked to planning applications - Promoting labelling in line with sensible drinking message -Promoting the use of safer replacement glassware - Tackling drink driving - Ensuring the most effective and consistent use of tools & powers to tackle alcohol misuse - Coordinated work with delivery partners in Prisons and Probation to address offending behaviour patterns linked to the misuse of alcohol.

Working in partnership Recreation/ Economy - Promotion of positive NTE and responsible use of alcohol as part of balanced (not saturated) industry promoting tourism and regeneration - Consideration of the positive employment benefits in the industry - Consideration of the links and impact of alcohol misuse in the workplace - Positive promotion of partnership approach with Industry - Consideration of the links of alcohol misuse to housing and homelessness issues - Consideration of how planning/ developer issues impact on the NTE - Consideration of transport and environmental issues including Safer, Cleaner, Greener agenda.

- Network of HO Government Office alcohol leads working jointly with DoH - Monthly Strategy Practitioner Newsletter - Sensible Drinking Comms campaign Development of PSAs including alcohol indicators - Working with NW Public Health Observatory on dashboard to monitor progress and tie in with John Moores Univ indicator sets - Alcohol referral pilots - Implementation groups to take forward wider actions - Development of Alcohol Strategy Toolkit - Development of Alcohol Website - Development of Alcohol misuse Tools and Powers guidance - Consideration of audit requirements - Identification of expert practice What are we doing to take this forward?

-National Strategy - Home Office | Safe, Sensible, Social: Next steps for the government's national alcohol strategyHome Office | Safe, Sensible, Social: Next steps for the government's national alcohol strategy -NW Public Health Authority - alcohol site cover general resources, and local alcohol profiles for each local authority across a range of indicators.alcohol site If you would like more details, or contact details for your Government Office lead, contact For more information