Software-Defined Architecture for Mobile Clouds in Device-to-Device Communication Muhammad Usman; Anteneh A. Gebremariam; Fabrizio Granelli; Dzmitry Kliazovich Department of Information Engineering & Computer Science (DISI) University of Trento, Trento, Italy {muhammad.usman; ;
Outline Introduction Problem statement Proposed system architecture Signaling of cloud formation Energy model Results and Evaluation Conclusions
Introduction Device-to-Device Communication in 5G Networks connects devices in the close proximity ◦ Offload traffic from core network Reduced energy and cost per bit
Problem Statement The absence of an energy efficient Architecture for D2D communication in 5G that fulfills following objectives ◦ Reduced energy Consumption of Battery driven devices like smart phones. ◦ High Spectral Efficiency Low energy and cost per bit ◦ Scalable with number of devices ◦ Able to integrate IoT and Public Safety Applications
Proposed System Architecture
The Architecture works in two different stages for cloud formation. Training Phase ◦ Consumes more energy as databases are been building up Mature Phase ◦ We save energy energy by reducing the number of communication links
Signaling of Cloud Formation
Energy Model We propose a mathematical formulation for energy consumption of UEs, while communicating through mobile cloud.
Results and Evaluation Cloud Formation Cloud Operation For < 80%, D2D consumes less energy than LTE. For ρ < 80%, D2D consumes less energy than LTE. For For ρ = 0, We can save up to 46% energy. In mature phase the energy consumption is reduced to 90% as compared to training phase.
Conclusions In this paper we proposed a hierarchal architecture for D2D communication in 5G Networks with following objectives ◦ Reduced energy Consumption of Battery driven devices like smart phones. ◦ Scalable with number of devices ◦ Able to integrate IoT and Public Safety Applications
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