QUALITY ACCOUNTS WORKSHOP A National Snapshot Ethan Tucker 10 March 2016
Meditation: importance of creative thinking
Purpose The Quality Accounts are designed to: Demonstrate your commitment to continuous evidence-based quality improvement across all services Set out to the public where improvements are needed and planned Receive support from the public and wider sector on what you’re trying to achieve Be held to account by the public and local stakeholders for delivering quality improvements.
Guiding principles Accountability and transparency Meaningful and relevant Whole of system outcomes Continuous quality improvement
Agenda A full set of 2014/15 Quality Accounts Examples of successful and innovative approaches Next year’s Accounts, and how we can improve further The usual disclaimer
Opening statements Demonstrate clear commitment to the quality, safety & experience of care delivered The organisation’s quality story Explain progress How community feedback has been incorporated
MidCentral It’s great to thank the people who contributed their time to help prepare the Quality Account. Also a reminder of how a broad range of stakeholders should have their say in the Account.
Southern Demographic and performance information in easily-understood formats is a useful way to explain the character and challenges of each DHB’s population.
Auckland Infographics to illustrate the changing shape of the DHB population, and the challenges and opportunities this brings for the health care system.
Wairarapa An effective use of space to convey a lot of information and provide a brief overview of the services the DHB provides.
Whanganui Acknowledges the particular challenges and context the DHB operates in, and sets a positive tone.
Waitemata A useful and easy-to- understand values statement, See also: the NZ Triple Aim – events/news/126/ events/news/126/
Taranaki An appealing values statement up front. Could other DHBs show how their similar values are influencing quality and safety in their areas?
Performance review Report on the previous year’s quality performance High level graphical analysis and commentary Demonstrate the quality of care delivered and shows data relevant to specific services and specialities What consumers / public say is most important to them
Taranaki & Waikato
Whanganui Three good examples of Health Target performance information displayed in interesting, informative and user-friendly ways.
Lakes A good mix of practical information for consumers, performance data and associated explanations for clarity. The blue Improvement arrow is a particularly welcome interpretation aid.
Northland A useful discussion of how the DHB intends to address its results.
South Canterbury South Canterbury’s presentation of its adverse event data is both accessible & informative. Key facts & definitions to assist interpretation.
Southern Definition up front Clear breakdown of events Good summary of how each type of events are being addressed.
Counties Manukau Discussing adverse events is an important part of Quality Accounts, but this additional detail on HDC and Coroner enquiries sheds light on another important aspect of external review processes, and what the DHB learned.
Auckland A positive focus on co-design showing how involving patients, families and staff can help to make systems and services better.
Auckland An informative and useful discussion of how transportation affects the DHB’s work and staff - and how creative approaches could help to alleviate traffic problems.
Bay of Plenty A good example highlighting the importance of developing health literacy. An important part of the quality story for all DHBs?
Capital & Coast As in Bay of Plenty, this CCDHB initiative describes health literacy initiatives. It also provides practical health literacy information and a direct line to address DNAs.
Hawkes Bay Every DHB will be running DNA initiatives, which have the potential to reduce waste in the system and help patients receive timely services. This chart provides an informative overview and highlights some good progress.
Nelson Marlborough The STEMI pathway initiative to fast-track heart attack victims is a good example of how QI initiatives can improve quality and experience of care. Applicability for other DHBs?
Canterbury Another innovative initiative – this time, providing low income people with second-hand restored bicycles.
West Coast A great example of how putting name and a face to a story, even a tragic one like this, is a powerful reminder of the importance of placing the consumer at the centre of all our improvement work.
Tairawhiti A good example of cross-agency cooperation and planning to tackle a long- standing issue and support whanau at risk of suicide.
Waitemata Community engagement strategy developed in consultation with community representatives & to be implemented. ‘A World Innovation Summit for Health report identified that effective patient & family engagement can result in positive outcomes such as improved quality and safety, lower costs, a better patient & family experience, & higher healthcare-worker satisfaction’
Future focus 3-5 priorities for quality improvement, agreed by the board. Include a rationale for how these priorities were selected and how the views of the community, staff and wider sector were taken into account. The key improvement initiatives for each priority. This should include a description of how progress towards improvement targets will be monitored and measured. Reporting of improvement targets against defined measures. Providers should report on progress made on the priorities published in earlier Quality Accounts, including the use of historical data where available.
South Canterbury An easily understood approach to displaying progress and future plans.
Taranaki A clear set of goals for 2015/16 set out alongside the current year’s progress.
Auckland The future focus provides impressive details and the ‘how will we know if we’ve succeeded’ information explains what progress will look like.
Miscellaneous A few additional comments on interesting aspects of this year’s Quality Accounts.
Miscellaneous: Bay of Plenty Surprisingly rare in Accounts, this bookends Bay of Plenty’s Quality Account and provides a comprehensive run-through of potentially confusing terms.
Miscellaneous: South Canterbury Useful key facts and definitions for readers unfamiliar with technical terms.
Thank you! A good set of QAs We look forward to another year of sharing performance information and highlights of your successful quality improvement culture. As a reward, here’s a picture of a kitten: