PD 101 New Faculty Orientation Marla Cartwright Seminar
Before we get started: If you have any troubles in seminar, please do call Tech Support at: They can assist if you get “bumped” from the seminar room or experience other difficulties.
Successfully Completing PD101 Gradebook Check every 2-3 days Discussion Boards Initial with all components addressed Reply of substance Dropbox Revisions Report to Chairs
Your First Course at Kaplan Every department may utilize slightly different procedures! Contact your Chair/Assistant Chair to clarify Course Scheduling Seminars Audio Text Course Shells Equipment
Setting Up Your First Course at Kaplan Typical Activities: Posting introductory announcements Customizing syllabus Sending welcome s Importance of Introductory Activities Sets tone Conveys professionalism Promotes communications Demonstrates instructor’s commitment
During Your First Course at Kaplan Dropbox Open files Provide constructive feedback Track changes/insert comments (department/course specific) If modifying files, must save Return assignment to students Discussion Boards Presence Use of questioning techniques Constructive Feedback Prompt Identifies areas of: Improvement What works well Sandwich approach
Instructor’s View of Seminar
Areas of Seminar Chat Real-time, textual discussion PowerPoint Upload 24 hours in advance Whiteboard Drawing and Math tools Polls Can create ahead of time
Seminar Sandbox Practice using the seminar tools by visiting the Seminar Sandbox anytime. Go to KU Campus > My Tools > My Seminar > click Sandbox tab > choose the room titled “CTL NFO Room 21” (You will need to scroll down.) No username or password is needed Visit alone Visit with a group
Seminar Archives Available 4 hours after seminar has ended “End Class” button Located in same remote window where you enter seminar Text-based seminar Archive is a written transcript Audio seminar Archive is a recording Includes audio and text
Audio Issues in Seminar Audio Issues: Please take advantage of the Sandbox for sound checks if you are teaching an audio seminar Please avoid running multiple, not-related-to-seminar applications while teaching seminar as this may slow down your computer Please avoid downloading files as this may slow down your computer If you share your internet connection, please avoid having family members use it during your seminar time as this may slow down your computer Please remember, the seminar is recording everything you say for all the students of that section to access. If a conversation with an individual student needs to take place, please find an alternate means of communication.
Private Messages (PM’s) Used to communicate Teacher to student Student to student Consider disabling student to student PM’s PM’s are not archived
PowerPoint Considerations Excellent way to guide your seminars! Upload at least 24 hours in advance Use 2003 version Total space allotted to faculty = 50MB Each presentation must be less than 10MB A few items to avoid: Embedded audio or video Animations on slides Spaces in filenames Metadata (see docsharing)
Further help with seminar tools DocSharing in PD101 Handbooks KHE Seminar Faculty User Guide
Thank you! I appreciate your time and attention during our 1 hour seminar today. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: and I’ll be happy to See you in PD101!