HELLO AND WELCOME ! Do Now: Sit anywhere (but choose wisely) Take out your journals and title the next A and B page: Life is Beautiful
LEARNING TARGET Readers analyze the human condition as it is portrayed through film by answering discussion questions on Life is Beautiful
THE HUMAN CONDITION Human condition - the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality.
TODAY WE WILL BE WATCHING A FILM ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST Life is Beautiful 1997 When an open-minded Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: DAY 1 (PICK 3 OF THE FOLLOWING TO ANSWER ON THE B SIDE OF YOUR JOURNAL) 1. What are the defining characteristics of Guido’s character? How does the author convey these to the audience? 2. How would you describe the tone or mood of this movie so far? What contributes to it? 3. Is life beautiful so far in this film? Why or why not? 4. What signs have you seen that this will be a film about the Holocaust?
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: DAY 2 (PICK 2 OF THE FOLLOWING TO ANSWER ON THE B SIDE OF YOUR JOURNAL) 1. What are the initial signs that Guido is very protective of his son? How does he go about protecting him so far? 2. Describe how music has been used in today’s viewing, especially when Guido is taken away by the police officers? 3. How is life still beautiful in today’s viewing?
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: DAY 3 (ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN YOUR JOURNAL) 1. Why do you think the director chose to have Guido die at the end of the film? How would it be different if he did not die? How does the director film Guido’s death? Why is this scene so powerful? 2. Why is the gift that the narrator (Joshua) says that his father gave him? How is this film a fable, like he said it was at the beginning? 3. What then, is the meaning of the title?
WALK IN WORK Take out your journals and flip to your “Life is Beautiful” pages Have something to write with
SOCRATIC PREP For the Socratic Seminar tomorrow, you will need to be prepared to discuss the following: What is the theme of Life is Beautiful? What specific film techniques were used to illustrate this theme? How does the story compare and contrast to the historical fiction book you read?
SOCRATIC PREP In order to participate in the Socratic Seminar, you need to: Be prepared to discuss the topics from the previous slide Create and write at least 3 higher level thinking questions