Dr Kathryn Clarke Senior Investigations Manager
North Wales Hub: redress and performance East Site and Area Corporate Concerns Team Area Governance Team (Service) Acute Site Governance Team (Service ) CentralWest Site and Area Corporate Concerns Team Area Governance Team (Service) Acute Site Governance Team (Service )
What is a concern?
Putting Things Right
What is a complaint?
Complaints Statistics The total number of complaints received by the Health Board in
In March 2016 the following number of complaints were received:297 Ysbyty Glan Clwyd Secondary Care= 66 Central Area=25 Maelor Hospital Secondary Care= 64 East Area= 20 Ysbyty Gwynedd Secondary Care= 105 West Area= 17
Complaints: what is the role of the Concerns Team?
Grading of complaints (1-5) 1. Can be addressed easily 2. Regarding care or treatment which span a number of different aspects/specialities 3. Clinical/process issues that have resulted in avoidable, semi permanent injury or impairment of health or damage that require intervention. 4. Clinical/process issues that have resulted in avoidable, semi permanent injury or impairment of health or damage leading to incapacity or disability 5. Concern leading to unexpected death, multiple harm or irreversible health effects
Complaints: what is the role of the Service? “Being Open” discussion Investigate Respond Facilitate meetings
Investigation Do once, do well What happened? How it happened? Why it happened? Solution development
On the spots An “On the spot” should be resolved within 48 hrs You should inform the person of what action has been taken to address their concern Keep to your promises e.g. If you have agreed to phone back at four o’ clock, then make sure you do You could also contact them later on if their concern has had a wider positive effect, or improved the experience of other patients
Performance targets For complaints OTS: should be answered within 48 hours Formal complaints have to be acknowledged within 48 hours Complaints should be answered in full within 30 days Complex complaints can take up to six months In January 2016 the compliance rate for meeting the 30 day target was 26%
What is an incident?
Incidents Statistics The total number of incidents reported via datix for the health board in ,579
In March 2016 the following number of incidents were reported via datix:2098 Ysbyty Glan Clwyd Secondary Care = 417 Central Area = 291 Maelor Hospital Secondary Care = 459 East Area = 281 Ysbyty Gwynedd Secondary Care = 431 West Area = 219
Incidents: what is the role of the Concerns Team Review incidents reported Reporting to Welsh Government: WG reportable No surprises Never Events Catastrophic incidents Performance data
Grading of patient safety incidents Negligible: No harm Minor: Any unexpected or unintended incident which required extra observation or minor treatment and caused minimal harm, to one or more persons; Moderate: Any unexpected or unintended incident which resulted in further treatment, possible surgical intervention, cancelling of treatment, or transfer to another area and which caused short term harm, to one or more persons; Major: Any unexpected or unintended incident which caused permanent or long term harm, to one or more persons Catastrophic: Death
Incidents: what is the role of the Service? Make safe Mitigate risk Investigate Action plan Lesson learned
Investigation Do once, do well What happened? How it happened? Why it happened? Solution development
Performance targets For incidents Incidents should be reported via datix as soon as possible after the incident Welsh Government should be notified within 2 working days of a Never event or a reportable incident Investigations should be completed within 60 working days
What can you do?
Diolch yn fawr. Any questions?