Iowa Cancer Consortium HPV & Cancer Conference April 25, 2016 Susan J. Curry, PhD Distinguished Professor of Health Management & Policy Dean, University of Iowa College of Public Health
Although I am a member of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), materials provided in this presentation reflect my individual views only and do not represent the views or recommendations of the USPSTF except where noted on individual slides. The overall presentation should not be attributed to the USPSTF.
Overview of HPV prevalence and vaccination in Iowa and nationally Roll of community-clinical linkages (CCLs) in HPV vaccination initiatives Summarize current initiatives and best practices in Iowa and nationally
79 million people – 1 in 4 – in the United States are infected with HPV 50-80% of women and men will contract HPV during their lifetime Each year, 14 million people will become infected with HPV Roughly half occur between ages years American Cancer Society, 2015
HPV INFECTION LOW GRADE DYSPLASIA HIGH GRADE DYSPLASIA CANCER Spontaneous remission Spontaneous remission Surgical treatment 15+ years (10,000,000) (3,000,000) (300,000) (11,000) US & CANADA
United States ( )Iowa ( ) Cancer SiteMaleFemaleBoth SexesMaleFemaleBoth Sexes% probably caused by HPV Anus1,5492,8214, % Cervix011, % Oropharynx9,9742,44312, % Penis1, % Vagina % Vulva03, % Total12,57120,58933, ,2962,107 Source:
President’s Cancer Panel, 2014: “Underuse of HPV vaccines are a serious but correctible threat to progress against cancer.” President’s Panel Report, 2014 CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden declared slow HPV vaccination uptake as one of the top five health threats in 2014 National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) 2014 Call to Action: HPV Vaccination as Public Health Priority The Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) National Partners HPV vaccination one of three nationwide priorities
National Cancer Institute (NCI) January 2016: 69 NCI-designated centers issue consensus statement. “HPV vaccination is our best defense in stopping HPV infection in our youth and preventing HPV-related cancers in our communities. The HPV vaccine is CANCER PREVENTION.” American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) April 2016 Statement: Improvement in HPV vaccination rates “…could lead to complete eradication of HPV-related cancers in men women.”
Community Preventive Services “Partnerships between community organizations and vaccination providers are likely to be an essential component of effective, sustained community-based efforts.” President’s Cancer Panel “Maximize access to HPV vaccination services, “The range of settings in which HPV vaccines may be administered to adolescents should increase”
Community-clinical linkages (CCLs) are defined by the CDC as “…collaborations between health care practitioners in clinical settings and programs in the community – both working to improve the health of the people and the communities in which they live.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Developing Community-Clinical Linkages for WISEWOMAN Programs. October 8, 2015
Developing strong CCLs are critical for: Collective ability to improve vaccine access Improving health outcomes of those eligible for HPV vaccine Improving sustainability of HPV vaccination programs Integration is at the Core of the CCL and can take several forms
Mutual Both share in the identification of individuals (e.g., agree to work together in a single or multiple locations ) Coordinate delivery of services Share communication to health care providers Community-focused Community workers inform/counsel about service Community workers arrange for service Community workers provide service Referral and follow-up to clinical setting as appropriate Clinically-focused Community workers inform/counsel about service Delivery and follow-up provided exclusively in the clinical setting
CDC Cooperative Agreement funds 5 HPV-related programs: 1.ACS HPV Roundtable and HPV VACs Project 2.American Pediatric Association (APA) 3.American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 4.National Area Health Education Systems Organization (NAO) 5.National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)
HPV Quality Improvement (QI) Program Iowa Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics Blank Children’s Hospital and UI Children’s Hospital QI Training and Application Facilitate Peer-to-Peer Education Strong Provider Recommendations Increase State Capacity for Improving HPV Vaccination Rates
Scenic Rivers Area Health Education Center (AHEC) National AHEC Organization (NAO) ‒ Clinician outreach and training ‒ Educational materials ‒ Strong partnerships ‒ Prioritization of HPV vaccination efforts Supporting Local Health Departments to Increase HPV Vaccination Rates Project Dallas County & Linn County National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) ‒ Engagement of key stakeholders ‒ Support effective and evidence-based HPV vaccination programs ‒ Strong partnerships
Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) University of Iowa College of Public Health Thematic research network of 8 institutions Collaboration of CDC and NCI Mission: Accelerate the adoption of evidence-based cancer prevention and control in communities Iowa Research Focus HPV Vaccination Signature Project Internal Project in West Liberty
CPCRN Signature Project: HPV Vaccination University of Iowa College of Public Health CPCRN CPCRN HPV Vaccination Workgroup aims to increase HPV immunization in varying populations and community settings through: Assessment of specific population needs Innovative community-clinical linkages (CCLs) Systematic identification and dissemination of best practices
National HPV Vaccination Roundtable Pharmacy-located HPV Vaccination Pilot Project University of Iowa, University of Kentucky, Oregon Health & Science University February-September 2016 Project Overview Assess feasibility of coordinated HPV vaccination through community pharmacy-clinic collaborations Health clinics: 1 st dose, prescription to pharmacies for doses 2 and 3 Pharmacies: 2 nd and 3 rd dose, at 2 and 6 months, respectively
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