What is a resume, why should I have one, and how do I make one?
A short “advertisement” about YOU! Brief summary of your education, skills, interests and experiences as they relate to a job you want to have Who are YOU? What have you DONE? What do you KNOW? What can you DO? Name Contact Info. About Me – Why I’m Awesome Education Work Experience Volunteer Experience Skills Extracurricular Activities Hobbies/Interests Awards References – At least ONE!
It “markets” you! Attracts attention and creates interest! Makes the reader want to know more (you!)… Helps with getting jobs/internships/ apprenticeships/letters of rec./ scholarships, etc. Showcases your qualifications Can convince employers/organizations to offer you the opportunity you want (or at least offer you an interview)!
Make a list (or review what’s in your HSBP) of your EDUCATION, SKILLS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS and match which ones might go together… Review your High School & Beyond Plan (HSBP) in Career Cruising! Use your Accomplishments or Education to highlight your Skills Prioritize which Skills makes you a good candidate for the job Finding a job you want to apply for can help…. Use samples in packet OR…. Try Business to Youth Connect in Career Cruising, Monster.com, Craigslist, WorkSource Thurston, CareerBuilder, NWJobs.com
Start by logging on to careercruising.com ohs-reykdalke Click on Employment in blue header at the top Click on Resumes in list on the left ( NOT Build My Resume )
The “Resumes” page is full of helpful info. on how to write a resume! LOOK
As Listed In Career Cruising’s Resume Info.
Skills to Pay the Bills! List relevant Skills you have as “Summary of Qualifications” in first section Describe relevant classes taken in your Education section Include any relevant work/volunteer experience and/or activities Reverse Chronological Order After “header”, start info. in every section with the most recent experiences and build your list (down) towards your older experiences. TOP 5 FONTS : 1. Calibri 2. Times New Roman 3. Arial 4. Verdana 5. Cambria Header with Two columns Contact Info. is full-width “header” Insert a table with two columns and at least 5 sections for your main body of information Section Titles in left column and Details in wider column to right Leave table lines until saving final copy…. CHOOSE 1 TO USE:
Click on My Plan (upper left corner) and then the My Progress link to access all the info. already saved in your High School & Beyond Plan… These sections are OPTIONAL but highly encouraged! Think about what you do in and out of OHS that can showcase your skills, talents, abilities and accomplishments.
The grid lines at the top of your document should look like this: The & show where the bullets line up on the page for your 1 st section
SAVE YOUR DRAFT! Make sure it’s accessible in a file or on your Drive…. Finish tonight ~ we’ll peer edit tomorrow!
Look For’s : The look! Spelling/ Grammar Formatting Matches Job
Save resume to file or Drive (as a Word doc) Log in to Career Cruising On your My Progress list, then click on the “Required Assignments & Activities” link Click on blue Resume Click on +Upload a File Upload your completed resume! Share a copy with your teacher…
To improve your resume! Work Source (near SPSCC) Resume-help.org Monster.com READ the “instructions” in Career Cruising! To find a job Monster.com Craigslist.com WorkSource Thurston Career Builder NWJobs You’re done! You did it!