FEMCIDI Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) Organization of American States (OAS)
Created in 1997 for the purpose of attending the most urgent needs of the Member States of the OAS, especially those with relatively less developed economies. FEMCIDI projects focus on human capacity building and strengthening of governmental institutions, acting as pilots for larger and farther reaching development programs. FEMCIDI is a program funded by the annual voluntary contributions of member states to promote horizontal and multinational cooperation projects in the priority areas stemming from the political mandates of the Organization. Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (FEMCIDI)
Between 1997 and 2007, 961 projects and/or phases of projects were funded for a total amount of US $ 93.3 millions. Positive results: Hundreds of communities served and institutions strengthened Thousands of families received assistance Men and women better prepared for work Children with improved academic levels FEMCIDI
Basic tenets Pay-to-Play Solidarity Countries present and execute projects
FEMCIDI TECHNICAL COOPERATION PRIORITIES Social development and creation of productive employment Education Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization, and market access Scientific development and exchange and transfer of technology Strengthening of democratic institutions Sustainable tourism development Sustainable development and environment Culture
Sub-priorities of Education Achievement and evaluation of educational equity and quality at all levels of the education system; Strengthening the effectiveness of the teaching profession in member states; Supporting member states’ efforts to foster the development of a democratic culture through education; Supporting member states’ efforts to prepare people for work, including expanding and strengthening technical and professional training, and other means to provide greater opportunities for people to acquire the knowledge and skills that respond to the demands of a constantly evolving labor market; Supporting member states in developing effective policies and practices in priority areas such as early childhood education, adult education, and lifelong learning,; and, Supporting the efforts of member states to reduce high levels of illiteracy so as to ensure a democratic citizenry, facilitate decent work, fight against poverty and achieve greater social inclusion for the entire population.
WHAT TYPES OF PROJECTS ARE FINANCED? Two types of projects are financed with FEMCIDI resources: national and multinational projects. Multinational projects are those that include the participation of at least three countries. Border development projects however may include only two countries and still be classified as multinational projects.
Who can present projects to FEMCIDI? Institutions of the member states from the public sector and not for profit private entities. Institutions who wish to present projects should contact their respective National Liaison Office (ONE).National Liaison Office (ONE) The ONE will send the project concepts to the Permanent Mission of the country to the OAS, to be forwarded to FEMCIDI. FEMCIDI will not accept any project concept that has not been sent through the Permanent Mission of the OAS or through the channels officially designated by the respective member state for this purpose.
When are projects submitted? Project concepts are presented by July 31 of any year. If preselected, the presenting institutions will have to present a full proposal by December 15 of that same year.
What is the maximum duration of a project? Projects may have a maximum duration of 4 years. Funding is approved on an annual basis.
How much can be requested? Projects may request a maximum of US$500,000 per year for up to 4 years.
Important deadlines KEY STAGESDEADLINE a.Contribution PledgesJuly 31 b. Contribution PaymentNo later than October 31 c. Project Concepts SubmissionJuly 31 d. Preliminary Programming ProposalAugust 31 e. Final Proposals Development From September 1 to December 15 (3 ½ months) f. Final Project Proposals SubmissionDecember 15 g. Programming Proposal PreparationJanuary 15of the following year h. CENPES MeetingNo later than February 15 i. Programming Approval by the Management BoardNo later than March 1 j. Delivery of the Necessary Documentation for Obligating ResourcesNo later than March 1 k. Resources ObligationNo later than April 20