Tackling Poverty Strategy Consultation
About the Strategy Developed by the Tackling Poverty Theme Group on behalf of the East Lothian Community Planning Partnership Long term outcome ‘Fewer people will experience poverty in East Lothian’ Strategy and action plan to reflect the economic environment and the potential impact of the welfare reform agenda
The Strategy – 3 sections
1. Understanding Poverty Knowing who is experiencing poverty in East Lothian – people, places and life stages Understanding the root causes of poverty Rural experiences of poverty Challenging the stigma of poverty
2. The Money in my Pocket Recognising the pressure on family income e.g. debt, fuel poverty, transport costs, access to affordable food Recognising the importance of financial inclusion Financial capability Access to debt, money and welfare rights
3. A Good Future for Me and my Family Being job ready Adult Literacy and Numeracy The importance of Early years
Consultation process Comments are welcome on all aspects of the strategy, including the action plan. We have set out some consultation questions in the document for you to consider. We are also keen to receive general comments or feedback. Please send your consultation response by the 9 th of September 2011 to; Rebecca Spillane, Equalities Officer, East Lothian Council John Muir House East Lothian EH41 3HA Or Phone: