Lessons learned and future directions on FLEG Chatham House, January 20, 2006 Carole Saint-Laurent Senior Forest Policy Advisor
IUCN’s agenda キ IUCN seeks forest governance arrangements that will deliver sustainable forest management and improve local livelihoods キ Equity, transparency and participation should be the cornerstones of responses at all levels to illegal logging and other predatory forest- related behaviour
Assumptions キ Chances of progress are greater if governments, civil society and the private sector move forward in concert – tripartite approach キ Strong stakeholder participation from the early stages of a FLEG process means higher quality products and improved prospects effective follow up
Some lessons learned キ Effective FLEG implementation processes require: Continuing awareness raising Clarity about who will do what Interaction between civil society, industry and governmental follow up Resources to match the mandate Reaching deep, high and wide Dialogue + Action International oversight
Current challenges - Approaches to FLEG キ Operationalizing tripartite approach at implementation level キ Moving beyond dialogue and joint priority setting to partnerships - and being able to demonstrate/measure results キ Learning lessons across FLEG countries and regions to build better processes and support implementation action キ Traditional responses may not work in some places
Current challenges - Links to Poverty and Rights キ Recognition of need for alternative economic opportunities and need to clarify rights but not prioritized キ What is the right balance between initiatives aimed at tackling poverty-driven illegal logging and broader forest governance versus measures to deal commercial illegal logging and trade?
Priorities Awareness raising Clarify/improve FLEG processes Tripartite priority setting (NAP) Pilot test innovative governance arrangements at site/landscape level Provide tools and knowledge for key actors Respond to constraints to implementation Better quantify different components of illegality to determine balanced package of responses Proactively share lessons learned