How do Locks and Inclined Planes Work ?
Lock built by Andrew, Cory, Alyson and Jodi
Shown below is a boat traveling through a lock system. Can you explain how the lock works using the phrases listed below. Check the next slide to see how accurate you are. Open front doors, Close rear doors,Open rear sluice, Open rear doors,Close rear sluice,Close front sluice, Open front sluice,Move boat forward (use twice)
Your answer should be... Open rear sluice (allows lock to fill), close rear sluice, open rear doors, move boat forward into lock, close rear doors, open front sluice (allows water to drop to lower water level), close front sluice, open front doors, move boat forward. Congratulations. You have safely navigated your boat through the lock.
Inclined plane built by Paul, Eric, Justin and Bryan
The Inclined Plane The inclined plane is for carrying boats from one elevation to another elevation. An inclined plane was used from Lake Charles to Lake Williams at Porto Bello and from Halifax Harbour to Sullivan's pond in Darthmouth. It consists of a cradle that carries the boat on a railway that goes up hill.
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