ISEKI_Food-4 Project State of the art and general aspects 3° Overall Meeting Paola Pittia Project Coordinator National Technical University of Athens (GR) May 2014 Project n LLP IT-ERAMUS-EW Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari e Ambientali University of Teramo, Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE) ITALY
IFOOD4: network profile Countries (official): -In total: 30 - EU: 27 -No-EU: 3 (Israel, Brasil, United States) Partners (officials): -In total: 89 - EU: 86 -No-EU: 3 (Israel, Brasil, United States)
IFOOD4: network - Associated partners Associated partners: -In total: 52 (+2 since Sept 2013) - EU-eligible: 10 -No-EU: University of HOHENEIM 52 - FoodDrinkEurope
IFOOD4: rationale Enhancing employability to serve Europe’s needs Enhancing employability to serve Europe’s needs Innovation in Food studies to meet current job market and professional requirements PhD – 3° level of education, Research & Technology transfer Providing Quality Higher Education for allProviding Quality Higher Education for all Upgrading and training of teachers in FS&T Student-centred learning & Integration of new skills in the Food studies curricula Strenghtening mobility for better learning Strenghtening mobility for better learning Academic and professional recognition Joint programmes and degrees International openeness
IFOOD 4 - Main objectives and expected outcomes - To modernise and to upgrade the education and training of Food studies - To implement the labour market role of the third level of education in promoting the employability and entrepreneurship of the graduated FS&T and Food professional - Lecturing qualification of university teaching staff Toolbox for modernisation and internationalisation of curricula in Food studies Innovative teaching tools Virtual platform for PhD students networking and training Teaching staff framework and pilot summer school DIFFERENT TARGET END-USERS
Family Life and Basic Studies Choice of area of studies BsCMsCPhD work experience Food Professional Food Scientists Food Technologist, … Training Planning Objectives of the ISEKI-Food projects HIGHER EDUCATION Industry, Governmental, Research Consultancy,.... Better prepared and trained teachers Better prepared and trained food technologists & professional to MEET Job- market expectation
Family Life and Basic Studies Career Development Choice of area of studies BsCMsCPhD work experience Food Professional Food Scientists Food Technologist, … Training Planning Food professional career path HIGHER EDUCATION Industry, Governmental, Research Consultancy,.... Training
WP2 Dissemination WP8 Project Management WP3 New skills for new jobs WP4 Qualification of University teaching staff WP5 Interface between education & industry in a LLP perspective WP6 Innovative teaching tools WP7 Bridging education-research and industry + ITC EXPLOITATION IMPLEMENTATION WP1: Quality project plan IFOOD4: 8 Workpackages
1998 – 2001) ( ) ( ) 112 partners/30 countries (2008 – 2011) 97 partners/30 countries 89 partners/27 countries 37 partners/24 countries 53 partners/30 countries ( ) ISEKI_Food projects …many activities….many outcomes (achieved and to be achieved)
Bologna Process 1- Improvement of the HE and quality of Food Studies Tuning of food studies and implementation of the ECTS system and Diploma Supplement Recognition of FS&T degrees at European level Database of curricula on FS&T in Europe Database on teaching material “Minimum competences in Food Studies”
Bologna Process 1- Improvement of the HE and quality of Food Studies Accreditation (EQAS) Quality Assurance of Food Studies –1 st EQAS award – 22 nd 3 rd ISEKI_Food Conference
Bologna Process 1- Improvement of the HE and Quality of Food Studies Accreditation (EQAS) Improving training skills of FS&T teachers (WP4) Framework of qualification of Higher education teachers Pilot Training school for teachers (final assessment session, May 2014, Athens
Bologna Process 1- Improvement of the HE and quality of Food Studies Accreditation (EQAS) Improving training skills of FS&T teachears Toolbox to implement “new” skills into Food studies (WP3) (under development, IFA website)
Books 2- Innovation in teaching FOOD PROCESSIN G Kristb ergsso n & Otles Applied Statistics for Food- and Biotechnolog y Schle ining Ho Mann ino On next publication (2014) : 5 ISEKI_Food books new books IFOOD4 (likely 3…) 2 new books IFOOD4 (likely 3…)
E-learning courses & webinars Innovative processing (under preparation) Innovative processing (under preparation) 2- Innovation in teaching
The “Food Game” 2- Innovation in teaching
Virtual Pilot lab on fish canning (WP6) 2- Innovation in teaching
Platform for training, networking Platform for training, networking (within the ISEKI-Food Association website – under development, PhD newsletter PhD newsletter Database of curricula on FS&T in Europe Database on teaching material “Minimum competences in Food Studies” 3 - 3° level degree & Technology Transfer
E-journal 4 - Bridging industry-reserach-industry International Journal of Food Studies Open souce, international peer-reviewed 5 issues – last: April 2014
International Conference 3° ISEKI_Food Conference (21-23 May 2013, Athens –GR) An International “open” forum for all the stakeholders of the whole food chain (students, researchers, education scientists, Technologists, representative of government agencies, Industry representatives and trainers, Food consumers and Wider community….) Bridging industry-reserach-industry
3° ISEKI_Food Conference (21-23 May 2013, Athens –GR) Three main sessions: > Session 1: Re-thinking education: enhancing Food Science & Technology competences for Bioeconomy > Session 2: Knowledge and Innovation in research towards a bioeconomy perspective. > Session 3: Food Industry for a sustainable planet food supply. Three pre-conference workshops “Product development –case studies related to innovative lipid foods “Industry meets Academia and PhD programmes” “State of Research in Europe in the Field of Food Science and Technology: presentation of PhD student research activities“ 4 - Bridging industry-reserach-industry International Conference
3° ISEKI_Food Conference (21-23 May 2013, Athens –GR) Notes: -More than 280 registered participants (including 100 ISEKI_Food 4 project members and/or supported) -XXX countries represented -Endorsement by the most important FS&T associations and organisations -Sponsorship from various industries -Involvement of Industry in the committee (Industry advisory) 4 - Bridging industry-reserach-industry International Conference
PICAM 5 – Networking
Newsletter and the …new e-newsletter E-format + pdf 5 – Networking
TRACK_FAST ( Training Requirements And Careers for Knowledge-based Food Science and Technology in Europe FP7 KBBE September 2009 – 28 February – Networking Projects… PAST
See later slides… 5 – Networking Projects… FUTURE ? No projects for «just» networking New project approaches have to be planned and explored and exploited
ISEKI_Food Association Platform promoting synergies between research, education and industry Independent EU non-profit organisation, founded in 2005 as an outcome of 10 years of Thematic Network activities for all stakeholders in the food supply chain with regard to education, research, legislation and communication.
WP7: Bridging education, research and Aims: Management of the project activities including -Organization of the meetings, -Set up and maintenance of a virtual environment for managing project activities, -Preparation and editing of the reports -Maintenance of the relationships with the EC offices. WP8 – Project Management
Meetings IFOOD4 – Meetings 2° SC meeting (Coimbra, PT) 2 days of meeting 18 WP coordinators + invited CG participants 1 EACEA OFFICER, Ms Katia de Sousa
Meetings IFOOD4 – Meetings 3° Core Group meeting (Barcellona, EST) 3 days of meeting 28 WP coordinators, CG partners + invited participants
Meetings IFOOD4 – Meetings 3° Steering Committee, Munich (Germany) M35-36 Organiser: Winfried Russ, Hochschule Wienstephan- Tiersdorf, University of Applied Science Potential dates: 2014, August, 27-29
Final Remarks - What about the ISEKI_Food network beyond the IFOOD4 project? Final remarks The ISEKI_Food Association will have a major role as reference for many future activities and projects….. ……the contribution of each of you will be valuable (on voluntary basis!) for both IFA and the network!
Final Remarks - What about the ISEKI_Food network beyond the IFOOD4 project? Final remarks The ISEKI_Food Association will have a major role as reference for many future activities and projects….. ……the contribution of each of you will be valuable (on voluntary basis!) for both IFA and the network! Project calls and proposals will be expored as soon as they will be available
Final Remarks -Could we guarantee the survival and improvement of our network? YES…if we recognise its added-value Final remarks (personal…)
4 th ISEKI_Food Conference Vienna July 8-10, 2016 Bridging training and research for industry and the wider community
Final Remarks A special thank is to…. Vasso Orepoulou and Eleni Gogou and all collaborators of her team School of Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens …and to all of you that accepted and agreed to join this meeting and to collaborate for it!
Have a good time in Athens and in Greece with all the ISEKI_Food 4 network friends…!