Silicon Strip Detector Section of LOI Editors: David Lynn (primary), Nigel Hessey (secondary) Subsections: 1.Silicon Strip Sensors 2.Strip System Front-End.


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Presentation transcript:

Silicon Strip Detector Section of LOI Editors: David Lynn (primary), Nigel Hessey (secondary) Subsections: 1.Silicon Strip Sensors 2.Strip System Front-End Design 3.Strip Modules 4.Thermo-mechanical Local Supports 5.Strip System Manufacturing and Production Plan 6.Strip System R&D Main LOI Twiki page with links to backup documents is:

Coordinators: Y. Unno, M. Mikuz, P. Allport, H. Sadrozinski, C. LaCasta Silicon Strips sensor will be embedded in a larger documents devoted to all sensor types 1.Sensors Backup Document 1.1 Pixel sensors ―Planar silicon sensors ―3-D silicon sensors ―Diamond sensors ―Silicon strip sensors 1.2 Silicon strips sensors Silicon strips document Preliminary version on LOI twiki pages Schedule Last week update from Nobu Unno has them on track to be ready for AUW Silicon Strip Sensors

Strip System Front-End Design Coordinators: Alex Grillo, Philippe Farthouat, Alex Grillo, Mitch Newcomer Draft Outline (will be a long document) Very detailed outline written. Document will be long Note: If writing for Carl’s R&D section, for example, you do not have to explain in detail that which will be presented here

Strip System Front-End Design -- continued Coordinators: Alex Grillo, Philippe Farthouat, Alex Grillo, Mitch Newcomer Preliminary list of authors Proposed Schedule: Coordinators will soon be contacting authors to solicit their contribution Have you been contacted if you are on the above list?

Proposed Schedule: Tony and Ingrid produce an outline document Dec 1 Outline Document is circulated to the community Dec 1 Community sends in text/information Dec 31 In areas where there is no input, coordinators will chase folks for it Dec 31 Draft document assembled and circulated Jan 20 Finalized version circulated Feb 7 Strip Modules (Ingrid & Tony to provide update) Coordinators: Ingrid Gregor, Tony Affolder Draft Outline (number of pages in parenthesis; total ~ 20 pages) Introduction (1/2)authors: T. Affolder, I. Gregor Module Description ―Stave Modules (3) author: T. Affolder ―Petal Modules (2) author: I. Gregor ―Super Modules (3) authors: D. Ferrere, Y. Unno Hybrids, Bus tape and EOS description (2) Authors: A. Greenhall, K. Mahboubi (hybrids) C. Haber, T. Affolder, C. LaCasta (bus tape), M. Stanitzki (EOS) Industrialization/manufacturability (1) Module Production (3) authors: T. Affolder, I. Gregor Special tooling and adhesives (2) authors: TBD Performance (3) authors: TBD Summary (1) authors: T. Affolder, I. Gregor Coordinators are on schedule; just a couple subsections need identified authors

Proposed Schedule: The production of the document is organised by LSWG coordinators, Franck, to produce a skeleton document Dec 23 Outline Document is circulated to the community Dec 23 Community sends in text/information Jan 30 In areas where there is no input, coordinators will chase folks for it Jan 30 Draft document assembled and circulated Feb 29 Finalised version circulated Mar 15 Thermo-Mechanical Local Supports Coordinators: Franck Cadoux, Eric Vigeolas, Richard Nickerson Draft Outline (as AUW back in November):  Introduction 0.5 page  Local Support Structures (staves, petals, Super Modules) 10 pages Mechanics 6p Cooling 3p EOS (including Cable bus and Connectors) 1p  Module Mounting 1.5 page  Interface to macro-support, including end insertion 2.0 pages  Internal Alignment 1.0 page  FEA & Measurements on prototypes 3.0 pages Thermal Performance 1.5p Mechanical Performance 1.5p  Materials Studies 2 pages

Thermo-Mechanical Local Supports Update Franck sent out document to be circulated Jan 23. Would like to discuss now contend and who should write what. Also should discuss alignment as requested in document Open and discuss “thermomech backup.doc”

Proposed Schedule: Not yet provided Strip System Manufacturing and Production Plan Coordinators: Carl Haber Draft Outline Not yet provided Status: ??

Proposed Schedule: Requested sections be written by end of January Strip System R&D Coordinators: Carl Haber Draft Outline Sent out Jan 13, 2012, and requested subeditors write requested subsections. Status: ?? Carl to update and lead discussion