REVIEW OF ROG MAJOR PROGRAMS & PROJECTS R12 Coordinators’ Meeting Feb 23, 2015
Republic Act 10644: An Act Promoting Job Generation and Inclusive Growth through the Development of MSMEs Signed into law by President Aquino on July 15. Help promote the growth of MSME in the country and is expected to bring government services closer to small businesses through the establishment of Negosyo Centers in all provinces, cities, and municipalities.
BASIC Services : (Models A, B, C and D) i.Facilitate the processing of Business Name and BMBE Registrations ii.Liaise with SEC and CDA and concerned government agencies to process the duly accomplished forms submitted by the MSMEs iii.Assist/facilitate the processing of Mayor’s Permit Registration
BASIC Services : (Models A, B, C and D) i.Product Development - assess the needs of the clients on product development; ii.Trade Promotion - match clients with buyers using the information available on- line; scout for exhibitors for the trade fairs iii.Financing Facilitation - disseminate information to clients on financing facilities/programs available for MSMEs iv.Investment Promotion - identify investment opportunities; Invite local investors to participate in investment- related activities v.SME Counseling - disseminate brochures, flyers and catalogues and other available printed materials
ADVANCED Services : (Models A and B) i.Product Development - conduct product clinic with in-house designer or out-sourced consultant, i.e., product packaging, labeling, branding, etc.; monitor the execution of the prototypes ii.Trade Promotion - conduct market matching activities and trade missions in collaboration with government and NGO partners; meet-up/link micro-small enterprises with local buyers; may operate a Pasalubong Center iii.Financing Facilitation - conduct financing forum; assist in packaging loan applications with institutions; meet-up/link micro-small enterprises with local financing institutions iv.Investment Promotion - prepare brief project profile on identified investment opportunity; participate in investment missions and investment matching activities; Invite local proponents to participate in the organized missions and matching v.SME Counseling - conduct diagnostic evaluation of existing MSMEs
BASIC Services: (Models A, B, C and D) i.Gather relevant business data and information for promo material preparation and data-banking, ADVANCED Services: (Models A and B) i.Access to Information - Prepare SME directory and such other materials for Data Banking; Prepare press releases/news clippings ii.Trainings and Seminars - Prepare training plan and training designs/ modules; Conduct regular in-house training and other trainings as needed
Types of Centers MODEL A MODEL B MODEL C MODEL D BASIC + ADVANCED Services 4 area requirements: o Reception Area – includes receiving counter; PBR kiosk; computers for on-line research/access to e- library; lounge; and shelves for books, magazines, promo materials and product samples; o Consultation/Meeting Room – 1 to 2 meeting areas (depending on available space) where the business counselors can meet with clients; o Working Area (long working table provided) enough for 3-5 Business Counselors; o Training Room – where regular training programs can be conducted with a space enough for participants or bigger depending on the available space; The areas would vary based on the space available, at least 70 sqm is recommended. Manned by 3-5 Business Counselors and support staff
Types of Centers MODEL A MODEL B MODEL C MODEL D BASIC + ADVANCED Services The facility has 3 area requirements, as follows: o Reception Area – includes receiving counter; computers for on-line research/access to e- library; lounge; and shelves for books, magazines, promo materials and product samples; o Consultation/Meeting Room – 1 meeting area (depending on available space) where the business counselors can meet with clients; o Working Area (long working table provided) enough for 3 Business Counselors; The areas would vary based on the space available, at least 50 sqm is recommended. Manned by 2-3 Business Counselors and support staff.
Types of Centers MODEL A MODEL B MODEL C MODEL D BASIC Services The facility has 2 area requirements, as follows: Reception Area – includes receiving counter; computers for on-line research/access to e-library; lounge; and shelves for books, magazines, promo materials and product samples; 3 Desks are made available for the Negotiating table and 2 Business Counselors; The areas would vary based on the space available, at least 30 sqm is recommended. Manned by 2 Business Counsellors and support staff.
Types of Centers MODEL A MODEL B MODEL C MODEL D A desk is provided and manned by a Desk Officer (LEIPO or Business Counsellor). The Desk Officer may be housed at the LGU.
should have “one look” - the partitions can either be glass and/or walls painted in light colors (off white) and walls and ceiling with bamboo veneer as accents.
Readiness of Centers Launched The following should be been done before Centers are launched: 1.Public-private partnership forged; 2.Prescribed “one-look” complied; 3.Package of services offered; 4.Facilities/furniture in-placed (PBR Kiosk or a dedicated computer, Reception/Receiving Area, Training Room, Meeting Room, etc.) 5.Staff/Business Counselors deployed; 6.Required sinage/s installed’; and 7.Printed materials such as flyers, brochures, entrepreneur magazines, etc. made available
ACCOMPLISHMENTS as of 2015 Feb Negosyo Centers established 2.Business Counselors of 4 Pilot Centers trained on Intellectual Property 3.Regional DTI network formed 4.Negosyo Center Logo designed 5.Website/Database up and running 6.5 Promotion materials prepared Fund of 92M allocated 8.Advocacy campaign conducted Action plans prepared
2015 Jan – Jun ACTIVITIES Launch the 2 pilot Negosyo Centers in Quezon City and Batangas City Launch 100 Negosyo Centers nation-wide by end of 2015; launch 50 by end of June 2015 Reproduce promo collaterals and handbook on FAQs Prepare Manual of Operations (MOO) Tap Collaborators Conduct Training For Business Counsellors
2015 BREAKTHROUGH GOALS OF ROG Establish 100 Centers by 2015; at least 50% of the total target should be established by end of 2 nd quarter of 2015.
NATIONAL TARGET 2015 REGIONS NC R CA R IIIIII IV- A IV- B VVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXII CARAG A TOTA L Existing Business Assistance Centers (BACs) BACs interested to operate as a Negosyo Center New Negosyo Center Manpower Complement (TOTAL) DTI LGU Chamber SMEDCI Others (IPO, BOI,or other SME partners)