2016 FSAA Highlights Math and ELA are fully aligned to the Florida Standards and to Access Course content Writing design – response to text model Field test – scores will not count towards overall score Will not be scored for writing conventions like spelling, grammar, or punctuation Student responses will be entered into FSAA Online System for scoring End of Course exams in high school for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Biology 1
FSAA Important Dates – Elementary and Middle Schools Elementary and Middle School (Grades 3-8) Materials in DistrictsFebruary 19 – 24, 2016 Student Testing WindowFebruary 29 – April 15, 2016 Student Responses Entered into Online System No later than 11:59 PM EST on April 15, 2016 Return of Test Materials to Piedra Data Services No later than May 13, 2016
FSAA Important Dates – High School High School ELA (Grades 9 & 10), Algebra 1, Geometry, and Biology 1 Materials in DistrictsMarch 15 – 17, 2016 or March 21 – 23, 2016 Student Testing WindowUpon receipt of materials through April 29, 2016 Student Responses Entered into Online System No later than 11:59 PM EST on April 29, 2016 Return of Test Materials to Piedra Data Services No later than May 13, 2016
Grade Level ELA Mathematics Science Algebra 1 EOC Geometry EOC Biology EOC 3 XX 4 XX 5 XXX 6 XX 7 XX 8 XXX 9 X 10 X High School XXX Contents and Grades Assessed
2016 Session Administration Session 1 Item sets 1-10 Adaptive: Each student is administered Task 1. Task 2 and Task 3 are administered only if the student continues to respond correctly without scaffolding. Session 2 Item sets Non-adaptive: Each student is administered Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3 in each item set. Administration of each task is not dependent upon performance on the previous task. Session 3 Writing Prompts 1 and 2 Each student is administered all five questions and the open- response writing prompt. Administration of each task is not dependent upon performance on the previous task. (Writing only)
Writing Prompt 2: Open Response Scribing Protocol May be used with a student if: This method is used during daily instruction and/or They are unable to record a handwritten or typed response Any certified, licensed of non-licensed district employee can serve as a scribe if they have: received district provided training on Proctoring completed the Test Administration and Security Agreement and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement familiar with the student and with the student's mode of communication
Writing Prompt 2: Open Response Annotation Ensures that the response is interpretable and meaningful to a novel reader such as a scorer Only applies if the student has hand-written or typed his/her response Does not alter the intent of the student’s original response Included directly on the student’s response Written in a different color ink than the student’s response Written above or below the student’s words, pictures, symbols, or objects so as not to cover any part of the student’s response For student using braille to respond: teacher will annotate directly on the student's braille response
After Administration: Uploading Student Responses Online student response entry: 2016 FSAA student responses will be entered into an online system for electronic scoring Online Assessment System Training Module and User Guide will be provided in January of 2016 Submission of Writing Prompt Responses Teachers will upload the Student Response Template for Writing Prompt 2 Scored by professional scorers, trained in FSAA Writing rubrics