Designing an Intentional Campus Plan for Title IX Compliance, Education & Outreach Brett L. Bruner, M.S. Director of Transition & Student Conduct Former Doctoral Intern for Title IX Compliance & Sexual Assault/Relationship Violence Prevention Programs Keegan N. Nichols, Ed.D. Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator 2015 Kansas Student Affairs Conference | Hays, KS
Overview Learning Outcomes Introduction of Presenter Backgrounds & Institution Goals of Participants An Introduction to Title IX Current Perspective of Title IX in Higher Education Need for the Development of a Unified Approach to Title IX Compliance, Education & Outreach at FHSU The Process Key Lessons Learned
Learning Outcomes As a result of participating in this educational session, participants will: Define elements of the Title IX strategic compliance, education, and outreach plan at FHSU. Describe the steps used to develop the Title IX strategic compliance, education, and outreach plan at FHSU. Identify 2 new strategies to implement a unifying plan to align campus Title IX compliance, education, and outreach initiatives at their institution.
Introduction of Presenter Backgrounds & Institution Fort Hays State University Student Life Cluster Division of Student Affairs Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator Doctoral Intern for Title IX Compliance & Sexual Assault/Relationship Violence Prevention Programs
Goals of Participants Why are you here?
An Introduction to Title IX & (2011) Dear Colleague Letter Responsibility to investigate and address sexual violence cases Review of key Title IX requirements Publish a policy against sex discrimination Designation of a Title IX Coordinator Adoption and publish grievance procedures Proactive efforts institutions can take to prevent sexual violence Interplay between Title IX, FERPA, and Clery Act related to complainant’s right to know the outcome of compliant, including relevant sanctions imposed on perpetrator Remedies and enforcement strategies used to respond to sexual violence
Current Perspective of Title IX in Higher Education Angst Anxiety Knowledge of Dear Colleague Letter but lack of practical application Too many different parts on campus doing too many different things in isolation (Title IX functional silos)
Need for Development of a Unified Approach to Title IX Compliance, Education & Outreach Deputy Title IX Coordinators’ need for assistance in determining appropriate unit-level plans Lack of standard reporting to campus Title IX Coordinator Campus Safe Initiative Taskforce – too many areas doing individual prevention efforts in isolation
The Process
The Process: Clear Definitions Primary campus & community partners – must use the plan Office of Residential Life Office of Human Resources Department of Athletics Secondary campus & community partners – should use the plan Any office, department, or unit on-campus or interested community partner Responsible employees Confidential employees Reporting employees
The Process: Identification of Key Focus Areas Preparedness Strategy 1: Develop a Sexual Assault Response Team. Strategy 2: Annually review institutional policies & protocol to ensure compliance with federal updates. Strategy 3: Engage campus & community partners in the development of a minimum 1 Preparedness strategy & action step at the unit level. Prevention Strategy 1: Engage & mentor campus & community partners in the development of a multi-faceted training experience for constituents. Strategy 2: Identify & centralize student/faculty-staff learning outcomes from decentralized prevention program experiences. Strategy 3: Engage campus & community partners in the development of a minimum 1 Prevention strategy & action step at the unit level.
The Process: Identification of Key Focus Areas Response Strategy 1: Identify the report protocol at a macro-level. Strategy 2: Align student conduct & sexual assault/relationship violence prevention programs protocol. Strategy 3: Engage campus & community partners in the development of a minimum 1 Response strategy & action step at the unit level. Recovery Strategy 1: Provide victim advocacy services. Strategy 2: Engage campus & community partners in the development of a minimum 1 Recovery strategy & action step at the unit level.
Key Lessons Learned Identify the key focus areas on your campus at a macro-level. Develop standard reporting templates for campus & community partners. Centralize student/faculty-staff learning outcomes from prevention experiences. Clearly define prevention experiences. Navigate internal & external politics.
Reflection 1-minute paper topic: What lessons did you learn that resonated with you that will be key takeaway strategies for you?
Designing an Intentional Campus Plan for Title IX Compliance, Education & Outreach Brett L. Bruner, M.S. Director of Transition & Student Conduct Former Doctoral Intern for Title IX Compliance & Sexual Assault/Relationship Violence Prevention Programs Keegan N. Nichols, Ed.D. Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator