TSDL ROSTER VERIFICATION Teacher/Student Data Linkage
Step 1: Access TAA Website
Step 2: Log into TAA Website Username: Should be your school address Password: at least one uppercase letter and one number
Step 3: Click on “TSRV Report”
Step 4: Verify Courses and Classes Make sure each class is included in the drop down menu on the top left of the screen Titles of the courses may not be exactly the same titles as used locally
Step 5: Verify Student Roster Linkage Data for Each Class Click on one class at a time and verify the student list If a course ends in a state assessment, review “assessment snapshot” AND “full year snapshot” If a course does NOT end in a state assessment, only view “full year snapshot”
Step 5: Verify Student Roster Linkage Data for Each Class CHECK FOR: Correct Linkage Start and End Date Linkage start date = first day of school UNLESS they came into your class at a later date Linkage end date = last day of school (or end of semester for ½ year courses) UNLESS they dropped your class, moved to another class, or exited the school district Students remain on your roster until they are no longer enrolled in school and have been officially exited from the school district Students who are home tutored or completing online credit recovery will remain on your roster Any missing students
Step 6: Complete the TSDL Sign-off Sheet Issues you may encounterSteps taken/needed Students that left during the school year are still on roster Check relationship start and end dates. If the student’s dates are inaccurate, indicate this on the TSDL Sign-off Sheet Some courses/classes are missingIndicate which course/section is missing on the TSDL Sign-off Sheet Students who switched sections are still on roster Students should show on both lists. Check relationship start and end dates to be sure they reflect when the switch occurred There is a student on the list that I never had this year If a student was originally scheduled in your class, they may appear until they unenrolled or were dropped (i.e. student marked absent should show a zero for minutes) Out-of-school suspensions, medical leave, homebound students? Students who are suspended, on medical leave, or homebound should be continuously enrolled in the courses to which they are assigned.
Step 7: Turn in completed TSDL Sign-off Sheet Sign-off sheet should denote the data are accurate or the corrections needed If corrections are needed, it can take several weeks before you see the rosters refreshed correctly in the TAA as the data is fixed in the system, then uploaded to BOCES, then uploaded to NYSED. Please place your completed TSDL Sign-off Sheet in the folder located in the main office of your building by: HS: Friday, April 29 th All other buildings: Friday, May 13 th
Need help? I will be available on the following dates to assist you with the process: High School: April 18 th in Library Classroom 2 Lincoln School: April 20 th in LGI Middle School: April 29 th in Main Office Conference Room Perkins Schools: May 2 nd in Main Office Conference Room Kelley School: May 4 th in Small Conference Room (Rm. 127) THANKS!