Change margins. 1 Preview a document. 2 Change paper size and orientation. 3 Print envelopes and labels. 4 Choose print options. 5 2
Margins are the spaces between the edges of the text and the edges of the paper Word’s default margin settings are ONE inch for the top, bottom, left, and right margins A Standard-size sheet of paper measures 8.5 x 11 inches The actual text area (workspace) for standard-size paper is 6.5 by 9 inches 4
5 Exercise 8-1 Figure 8-1
Choose a preset margin setting from the Margin command list (Page Layout Tab) Change margins using the Page Setup dialog box Change margins by dragging the horizontal and vertical rulers in Print Layout view Change margins when previewing the document using the Print tab (File, Print) Reveal Formatting Task Pane – Shift + F1 (Click Section & Margins) 6
7 Exercise 8-2 Figure 8-4 To open the Page Setup dialog box: Click the Page Layout tab, click the launcher button
8 Exercise 8-1 Figure 8-3 Preview box
Changing margins for selected text creates a new section A section is a portion of a document that has its own formatting Section breaks indicate the beginning and end of a section The document view determines the appearance of page and section breaks The status bar (bottom of your screen) displays section numbers and page numbers Position the insertion point to format a section 9
10 Exercise 8-2 Figure 8-5 STATUS BAR The STATUS BAR at the bottom of your screen displays page number(s) and section number(s).
To change document views: – Click the View tab – Click a View Button on the Status Bar 11 Exercise 8-4 Reading Mode Print Layout Web Layout View Tab Buttons Status Bar View Buttons (Bottom right-hand side)
Exercise Figure 8-7 Shaded areas represent margins Top margin boundary
13 Exercise 8-4 Figure 8-8 Press and hold the ALT key while dragging to show ruler measurements
Pages with printing on both sides of the paper and bound like a book Mirror margins are inside and outside margins on facing pages Gutter margins add extra space to the inside or top margins to allow for binding Display the Page Setup dialog box to create facing pages 14
15 Exercise 8-5 Figure 8-9
16 Figure 8-10 Exercise 8-5
TWO reasons to Print Preview: 1.To check the format and appearance of a document 2.To SAVE paper, toner and ink 3.To see if you added a header to your work The Print Tab displays entire pages of a document in a reduced size – View multiple pages, adjust margins, and change page orientation 18
To Preview a document: – Click the File tab, and click the Print command – Press Alt + Ctrl + (the letter “ ”) – Press Ctrl + F2 19
20 Exercise 8-6 Figure 8-11 Change margins using the Print tab. Zoom level
Default page ORIENTATION is portrait – Portrait page is taller than it is wide – Landscape page is wider than it is tall You can apply page orientation changes to a section of a document or the entire document Ways to change paper size and orientation: – Page Layout tab – Page Setup dialog box – Print tab 22
23 Exercise 8-8 Figure 8-12 Portrait Landscape
24 Exercise 8-8
Mailings Tab Create envelopes by clicking the Mailings Tab and clicking the Envelopes button Envelopes can be saved with the document for future printing Envelopes appear as a separate section or a (separate page) at the beginning of the document Key Delivery Address information or select an address or verify that the address that appears automatically is correct Key your Return Address information Envelope Options include envelope size and font attributes 26
27 Exercise 8-9 Figure 8-13
28 Exercise 8-10 Figure 8-14
Create labels by clicking the Mailings tab and clicking the Labels button Print a single label or a full page of the same label Click the Options button to select a label size and format Change the font and other character formatting after a label appears in the document window 29
30 Exercise 8-11
31 Exercise 8-11 Figure 8-15
When you click the print button on the Print tab, Word prints the entire document – If you click the arrow beside the Print All Pages you can choose to print part of it You can also select OTHER print options: – Print a multiple page document on ONE sheet of paper (2, 4, 6, 8, 16 pages per sheet) – Collating copies—default – Print on both sides of the paper 33
34 Exercise 8-12 Figure 8-16
35 Table 8-1 Insert a Table 2 x 12, page 257