Angel Bonham and Andy Rothenberger Instructional Technology Resource Teachers
“I hope to highlight the technology and engineering that is an integral part of contemporary works of art and to demonstrate that Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math are integral to our everyday experiences which should not be considered in isolation.” - Josh Blum, Art Teacher
Prepare all students to be college/career ready Strategic Plan Objective 1.1 FY
Teacher has knowledge of content UMW provides technological knowledge ITRT supports pedagogical knowledge Teacher volunteers to learn and participate ITRT helps connect tech knowledge to instructional practices ITRT & Teacher collaborate to support lessons and instructional practices
Teacher has knowledge of content UMW provides technological knowledge ITRT supports pedagogical knowledge Teacher volunteers to learn and participate ITRT helps connect tech knowledge to instructional practices ITRT & Teacher collaborate to support lessons and instructional practices
Print 3-Dimensional Objects
Turn everyday objects into keys by connecting a few alligator clips
Play with light, sound, sensing and buttons without wiring, soldering or programming
Launch your own rocket using only air pressure
Rocket Launch, using air pressure rocket launchers created by students.
Sarah W. Battlefield Middle Art Student, with student-designed medallions, created with open source software and printed with a 3D printer for the Jeff de Boer art project.
Josh Blum, Art Teacher at Battlefield Middle School, at STEM16 Summit 2014 held at the University of Mary Washington.
By incorporating technology in his art classes, Mr. Blum intends to make more connections to the engineering and career-based technical skills that are often taught in only Career and Tech classes.
How has Art has been different this year compared to previous years?
3D Printer in Action, printing a student-created project, a bust of a human head, designed with open-source software.
Tech Tour Educator Exchange 3D Printer Pilots with MakerBots MakerSpace Carts STEAM Society – After School Club Engineering is Elementary – cross-curricular literature based kits
Spotsylvania County Schools STEM UMW Teacher Spot for Learner Space STEM 16 Blog Maker Projects, Guides & Kits Tech & Learning – September Issue September-2014-table-of-contents/55375