Leading in the 21 st century- New paradigms for a globalizing world MGMT-E 152 Prof. Michael Pirson Class 8: November 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Leading in the 21 st century- New paradigms for a globalizing world MGMT-E 152 Prof. Michael Pirson Class 8: November 5

Agenda  Housekeeping  Lesson’s learned from the assignment  General Reflections on organizational level challenges  Role and Design of Business in the 21 st century?  Leaders in the 21 st century  Next Class

Schedule Overview Schedule Overview:  1) September 17 - Overview of the course- Setting the stage PART I- System level challenges 2) September 24 -System level challenge: Environmental and social sustainability 3) October 1 - System level challenge: Environmental sustainability 4) October 8 - System level challenge: Social sustainability 5) October 15 - Meeting System level challenges: Distilling and Applying Frameworks PART II- Organizational Level 6) October 22 - Organizational level challenges- Decreasing Stakeholder trust 7) October 29 - Organizational level challenges: Employee engagement- managing commitment 8) November 5 - Meeting organizational level challenges: Distilling and applying management frameworks PART III- Individual Level 9) November 12 - Individual challenges: Managing the self 10) November 19 - Social Entrepreneurship- managing the self, the organization and society 11) December 3 - Discussing Life entrepreneurship- Leading a meaningful life, leading others with purpose Presentations  12) December 10, Presentations  13) December 17, Presentations

Housekeeping  Reminder: 3 objectives in this class: Understanding the leadership challenges in the 21 st century Increasing reflective capacity with regard to Leadership in the 21 st century Present you with actionable knowledge on how to deal with leadership challenges of the 21 st century  Great improvement for the analysis papers  Frameworks (check and follow assignment description) Stakeholder Trust (more than just employees) Employee Engagement  For Final assignment: Be sure to look at stakeholder trust (not only employees) Analyze all 4 challenges Assume a consultant role (provide actionable insight) Audience are executives (readability is crucial)

Housekeeping  Send us team members and organization analyzed  Make up assignments  Other questions?

Lessons learned from the assignment Surprises, Insights, Questions?

Organizational Level challenges  What are your insights gained over the past 3 weeks?  What issues do you have?  What questions remain open?

Results from survey- stakeholder trust (employees)

Results from survey- Employee Engagement

Why bother?

What can be done?

Role and design of businesses in the 21 st century  Key drivers for sustained success in the 21 st century?  What remains the same?  What will change in the 21 st century?  How do organizational and system challenges discussed tie in?

Consequences for leaders in the 21 st century  Does the role of a leader change? How so?  What does that mean to you and your career?

Next Class 9) November 12 - Individual challenges: Managing the self Readings:  Rath, T.: Strengths finder 2.0 (Read Part 1 and do the online evaluation)  “Managing the self- Life Entrepreneurship”  Happiness related articles: Harvard Magazine: January-February 26-30, 94 Economist article: Editorial on happiness. Csikzentmihaly, M.: “If we are so rich why are we not happy?”  Assignment: Prepare a response paper examining what makes you happy, what your goals are and how you can implement your strengths in a professional career(1 page). Drop off on Course Website by Tuesday 7 pm