Beth Thomas Great Falls Public Schools
Describe and explain legalities and concerns of Internet Safety and “Terms of Use” Share possible solutions and resources
When you hear the term "digital citizenship," what comes to mind?
Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. ~ Mike Ribble Ultimately, we want to prepare students to utilize and navigate technology for their careers and enjoyment in a safe manner.
1.Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure 2.Communication: electronic exchange of information 3.Education: the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology 4.Access: full electronic participation in society 5.Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods 6.Responsibility: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds 7.Rights: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world 8.Safety: physical well-being in a digital technology world 9.Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety Spurce: ISTE (International Society for Technology Education)
The GOOD Educates us Entertains us Connects us The BAD Gives us false information Exposes students to inappropriate information and people
Digital Footprint Digital Tattoo Digital Footprint Impact Videos for you and your students 1.Never goes away Way back machine – archives Way back machine 2.Sometimes can’t control 3.Google self
1.COPPA – Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (2000) protects children under the age of 13 from the collection of personal information (harvesting data) – No accounts under the age of 13
-Children’s Internet Protection Act (2000) enacted to address concerns about children’s access to obscene and harmful information/content from the internet
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974) – protects the privacy of student education records
Terms of use violations / COPPA/CIPA/FERPA First, many require an account – Harvesting data/privacy issues – Age limits – Showing random Prezis: age appropriate content and privacy Terms of use--didn't read websitewebsite
Google the name of the “app” or website and use the words, “Terms of Use” or “Privacy” Ex. Prezi
Student privacy Student-created content on the web Cyber bullying Inappropriate material being published directly on the web Parents not wanting a web-presence for their students Exposure to ads and content that are not age appropriate Using teacher or generic accounts
Generic accounts Generic Web 2.0 accounts Telling kids to violate terms of use Kids already having Prezi and other accounts Teachers telling kids to sign up for gmail accounts Teachers having kids sign up for web tools that require accounts
Teachers having kids use web tools that require parental permission without obtaining it Kids having the teacher's username and password for accounts and then hijacking the account Teachers logging into the computers as themselves so students can save work to the teacher's z-drives Teachers logging into the computers as themselves so students can access YouTube and other blocked resources or have increased permissions on the computer…
Creating student accounts Educating teachers on how students can turn in work to them safely Selecting appropriate tools Educating students and staff on cyber safety and digital citizenship AUPs for students and staff Great Falls Public Schools AUP Policy
1. Digital citizenship is not always understood or addressed. 2. Teachers need ongoing PD to understand the terms, conditions, and regulations governing tools as well as what technology is available and appropriate. 3. Students need to be educated about cyber safety to become safe digital citizens.
scope-and-sequence scope-and-sequence -digital-lives (videos) -digital-lives Trillion Dollar Footprint lesson plan Brainpop – video and lesson plans Brainpop Livebinder Digital Citizenship Article